Photo by Zoltan Tasi
This might be the last new moon intentions post I do for a while. Or I might get to do one more. Or I might figure out how to do more. Who knows what the future may hold.
As our little wildflower’s due date is approaching, it’s hard to say when or if exactly they’ll be put on hold. It’s increasingly difficult with getting things ready for her arrival, the holidays and managing a home and a toddler to find time to sit and do blog posts. I will, however, hang with you for as long as I can and although I may leave for a while, know that I WILL return.
When/if my posts do take a hiatus, know you can still keep up with me and what’s going on via social media. So if we’re not friends yet, hit those buttons! It’s easier for you and I to interact in that way anyway!
Happy Sagittarius New Moon!
Sagittarius is one of my favorite signs. After I discovered astrology, I looked up everyone I know and everyone I once knew to see what their signs are and what their chart looks like. Turns out, all my life, I’ve always migrated toward Sagittarius people. Most of my best friends had always been a Sagittarius Sun.
Our natural connection is probably due to their fiery outspoken leadership qualities complimenting my grounded, quiet, ambitious Taurus energy. We always worked well together.
Anywho, Sagittarius key words:

Last month’s Scorpio New Moon had us reviewing and clearing that which no longer served us. Getting raw and honest with ourselves about what needed to be let go and where our focus needed to be placed instead. What did it reveal? Where are you being led to go now? Do now?
Sagittarius opens us up to new possibilities of expansion. It gives us the energy we need to stand up and pursue what we desire. To take a chance and leave caution to the wind. After all, nothing amazing ever happen in our comfort zone. While setting these intentions, ask yourself:
- Where do I want to go?
- What do I want to do?
- What do I need the courage to do or say?
- What does my ideal life look like?
- What does my ideal self look like?
- What changes need to be implemented?

This energy is perfect for getting those new year’s resolutions up and running! Think idealistically! You can have anything and everything you want!
We still have another week or so of Mercury Retrograde so be mindful of those communication and travel issues!
My Sagittarius New Moon Intentions
- I intend that I have a Christmas and baby shower full of magic and love.
- I intend that everyone I come into contact with helpful, supportive and full of positive energy.
- I intend that the holidays and the shower, both the planning of and the experiencing of, are joyous and wonderful.
- I intend that stress is barred from me and my body. Nothing but effortless flow and bliss is welcome here.
- I intend that I live unapologetically.
- I intend that I speak up for myself and my beliefs.
- I intend that I do what is best for my family and self.
Sagittarius New Moon Affirmation:
I release all philosophies that don’t belong to or benefit me and my family.

My Reflections of December
I intend that I allow flexibility into my life.
I’m still a pretty type A individual, but I have felt lately that I’ve let go of the NEED for everything to be precise and ordered. Allow what comes to come. Look at it in a “hmm, look at that” type of acceptance instead of a frustrated “Why did that happen?!” type of way. What is, is. It’s best to have a great attitude about that which you can’t change.
I intend that I release the need for control.
See the above answer. Haha.
I intend that I relax and engulf myself in peace and calm.
I’ve been pretty good about this, despite the holiday bustle and our scare with our wildflower. Essential oils have definitely helped a lot.
I intend that my shopping be done easily and effortlessly.
I had most of it done before December arrived. I’ve still got a couple of things I need to get but most of those are gift cards and things that are just a matter of finding time to go get them.
I intend that I stay in tune with my higher self.
I’ve definitely felt a shift in myself lately. I feel more connected to spirit and energy. Things flow and align easily. It’s wonderful.

I intend that the holidays go by effortlessly and happily, full of love and togetherness.
Well, Thanksgiving was this way. Stay tuned to see how Christmas unfolds.
I intend that I focus on caring for myself and my unborn child.
I’m pretty good about this anyway even though my eating habits have slipped lately. I think it’s fallen into the category of stress-less allowance. It can be super stressful constantly adhering to strict dietary guidelines when you’re with other people who are cooking most of the time.
I am at peace, calmly riding the ups and downs of life, trusting myself and the universe in the journey.
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S.S.Blake; Spiritual Life Coach, Yoga + Meditation Teacher and Founder of Earth and Water
Explore working with me to find your voice and share your message with the world.