Yin and yang, the long fought battle between “good” and “evil” as told throughout time. Our constant search for balance between the two.
Our problem though, is that we’ve been looking at it as a literal battle between good and evil. We’ve painted a picture of violence between a hero and a villain. Problematic because all that exists falls into one of these two categories and vanquishing the “bad” yin energy isn’t actually something that can be done.
Also though, we don’t want it to be done. Vanquishing one side of the circle leaves us with a non existence. The fact that we have these polarizing energies is how we may exist at all. There can be no light without the contrast of dark. One cannot be without the other.
They are polarizing, yes, but one is not greater than the other. This frameset of mind has left us chasing our tails, seeking to win a battle that can’t be won.
Instead, it’s important for us to find balance between the two. As too much of anything can be overpowering and have negative manifestations.

The Yin
The yin is the black side of the symbol. It’s associated with the dark which is where it gets all of it’s reputation as we’ve long associated darkness as being scary, evil and up to no good. The truth though is that it is no more evil than a bat flying by moonlight or a wolf stalking it’s prey.
It just exists. Fulfilling it’s role as counterpart to yang energy. Like it’s magnetic counterpart, helping in creating all that is and all that we perceive.
It’s energy is receptive in nature and seen as feminine.
The Yang
Yang is the white side of the symbol. It’s the golden child here and playing favorites is what we’re trying to break the habit of doing. Just as Naruto has taught me, some people are more closely associated to the moon and others the sun. Neither are more important that the other. Just 2 halves to a whole.
The yang is the light. Active and masculine. Let’s break out a chart:

As Within, So Without
We all have both aspects within us. We can’t find balance within ourselves if we’re trying to cut off the yin instead of finding ways to work with it. Which has been the long standing practice of the western world. Suppress the darkness until light wins over all.
This isn’t healthy or helpful though, as both yin and yang are equally valuable and important. This imbalance within us is projected out into our world, culture and society. Only by finding balance within ourselves, can we find a sense of harmony together moving forward.
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S.S.Blake; Spiritual Life Coach, Yoga + Meditation Teacher and Founder of Earth and Water
Explore working with me to find your voice and share your message with the world.