The science of Reiki has evaded us for some time. Excitedly though, new advancements in quantum physics may be shedding light on this energy healing practice. Regardless of why it works, countless people have experienced first hand the benefits and healing available with Reiki.
Reiki possesses an awe-inspiring power that has extended beyond our comprehension for centuries. Its remarkable ability to bestow numerous health benefits is nothing short of extraordinary. The mere mention of Reiki evokes a sense of wonder, for it has been proven to offer solace and healing to those who embrace its profound energy.
The transformative effects of this ancient practice are truly miraculous, as it harmonizes the mind, body, and spirit, allowing one to tap into the body’s own healing capabilities. Reiki’s profound healing capabilities include but are not limited to:
- Reduced pain and inflammation
- Improved mood and sleep quality
- Reduced stress and anxiety
- Increased energy levels
- Enhanced immune function
- Accelerated healing
Reiki also has the incredible power to provide solace and healing during challenging and emotionally charged moments in life. It serves as a gentle companion, supporting individuals grappling with illnesses, grief, or deep loss, enkindling a spark of hope amid darkness.
The effects are so profound that healthcare facilities all around the world are beginning to offer Reiki. A growing number of hospitals, clinics, and other healthcare settings are recognizing the benefits of Reiki and are offering it as a complementary therapy to traditional medical care.
Enough of me nerding out on this subject though, let’s see what Rajeshwari has to tell us about it:
Beginning –
Reiki is an energy healing modality. It helps to put the body into a relaxed state so that the parasympathetic nervous system can better heal our body. These days, most of us are stuck in “hustle” mode, which has our stress responses activated more often than not.
When we’re in the “fight, flight, freeze or fawn” response, all healing shuts down. Moving the body into the “rest and digest” response kicks healing back in as a priority to the body.
Reiki can also help you trace back and address some of the past trauma that’s been holding you back from where you want to be. Clearing that out to open you up to a more productive and desired way forward.
You have to believe in it for it to work so we cover some of the tangible science behind this otherwise “woo-woo” healing method.
Energy healing gets a bad rep in academia but recent discoveries in quantum physics is tending us to proof of it’s validity. You have to believe in it enough to give it a chance. Might help, won’t hurt.
12:20 –
Money reiki neutralizes the energy around money so that you are at peace with it whether it’s present or not. This can lead to the attraction of it but that’s not the goal.
Reiki is a lot like tuning a radio station. There are a lot of different types and you can tune into the various types depending on what you need. You can tap into the energy of various archetypes and channel that specific type of energy into and through you.
Increasing the positive, desired energy will allow for the negative, undesired energy to naturally fall away. We discuss how reiki alone is not always enough and working on mindset alone is not always enough but marrying the two gives much better results. There are several energetic bodies within you and addressing several gives you a better chance at remedying the issue within the layer it’s located in.
There are many beneficial practices to pair with reiki to ensure the best outcomes.
19:32 –
The vast majority of us are brand new at this energy work thing. It wasn’t common until recently, mostly reserved for shamans. It wasn’t widely understood, being mostly faith based. We are beginning to understand the science of it but it’s new and going to take some getting use to and interaction with in order to truly understand it.
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and how they relate to the chakras.

Reiki practitioners can “prescribe” you some supporting modalities to help support your healing journey.
When your internet modem goes out and you call the IT person, they tell you to reset it. Meditation and reiki help you to do the same thing to yourself.
31:53 –
People always have the outlook of “how much healing do I need to do so that I have no more trauma left” but that’s like saying “how much showering do I need to do so that I never have to shower again?” Practicing your tools makes you more effective at “showering”. Especially when you’re hit with rougher “dirtier” spells.
Things have to filter from the energetic body down into the physical body.
It can be really hard having loved ones who are struggling, knowing you can help them but they aren’t in a place to receive the help.
About Our Guest:

Rajesh is a certified Usui Reiki Master teacher. She first learnt of Reiki in 2012 but it was only about a decade later when Rajesh returned to experience Reiki. It was such a soothing and nurturing experience that Rajesh decided to learn to channel Reiki.
She has supported clients who need guidance to process old patterns, those working through grief and pain management. It is her desire that you are able to experience Reiki for yourself as a way of navigating life and realigning with your inner peace.
She is currently learning other modalities such as Light Language medicine and Chakra Healing.
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S.S.Blake; Spiritual Life Coach, Yoga + Meditation Teacher and Founder of Earth and Water
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