The 8th insight deals in how to interact with people, especially children. We previously learned about how throughout history, we’ve been gaining the energy we need from each other. We learned about how this stealing of energy creates control dramas and damage to the individuals being siphoned from.
The 8th insight teaches us how to raise children without control dramas in the first place. This leads them to thrive and flourish in life, becoming well functioning adults who radiate the love and compassion that is all of our’s true nature.
Often times, when caregivers are raising their children, they discipline them in a way that drains their energy.
Remember, draining someone else’s energy is a type of psychological and spiritual warfare, as seen in the 6th insight. When done to a child, it can be particularly damaging because they’re still growing and learning how to navigate in this world.
Children’s Energy Needs
Children have the same needs we do in terms of needing to be supplied with energy. The difference comes in our abilities and sources to obtain this energy.
As adults, we have the capabilities of obtaining our energy through the universe, food and other healthy and positive sources as seen in the previous insights. Children don’t have this capability. Just as many people have not learned how to gain energy from things that aren’t people, neither have children.
In their early years, children need to be provided with the energy they need from their caregivers on an almost continuous basis.
Due to this, it’s recommended in the 8th insight that in order to provide each child with the energy they need without the caregivers being depleted, a ratio of 1:1 is ideal. That is, one child per one adult to provide the needed energy.
The 8th insight encourages us not to add too many children per adult, as there won’t be enough of the adult to go around and then conflict and combat will incur over competition for the energy.
Involving Children in Life
Children are often treated as though they can’t possibly understand the world or what is going on around them. We see this when someone asks the mother “How old are they?” when the child is standing right there.
Children understand more than we tend to give them credit for. Just as you wouldn’t approve of someone speaking about you to the person standing beside you as though you couldn’t speak for yourself, children also don’t benefit from this.
We should always be directing our attention and questions to the children themselves. Allow them an opportunity to engage, learn and gain the energy and confidence they need to grow into a high functioning individuals. They should always be included in the conversations. Especially those that involve them.
Children shouldn’t be lied to or “protected from” the truth. Truth should always be given to them in terms that they can understand. This helps them to develop an understanding of the world they live in. They can’t learn and mature if you’re not sharing it with them.
They can understand more than you think. It just takes a little thought, patience and simplicity on the part of the caregiver to explain.
Raising Adults
When children receive adequate one on one attention from their caregivers, they feel satisfied with what they’re given and safe to be themselves. This gives them the confidence they need to thrive in life. They also never feel the need to act out, since acting out is simply a means of gaining attention and energy from their caregiver(s).
These children are often seen as mature for their age and exceptionally intelligent. All children have the capabilities of being this way, it’s all about how they’re nurtured from an energetic standpoint.
When a child has been nurtured properly, they innately assume that this sufficient energy will continue to flow in, which keeps them stay happy and calm.
All of this provides easier transition for them in understanding how to move from gaining energy from adults to gathering it themselves from the world around them. Just as adults should be doing.
This releases expectations of others to always provide for them and allows them to continue on in an independent and responsible fashion into adulthood.
This has always innately been my philosophy with my own children. I’ve always said “I’m raising adults, not children.” When you raise a child as a “child” they become a grown child. If you treat them as you would a respectable adult, that is what they will embody to become.
The 8th Insight on Energy Addictions
The 8th insight does take a break from explaining child rearing to speak on addiction to energy in relationships. We covered this briefly in a previous insight and here again in the book it is set up as a fine print warning.
When we find someone we click with, in a new relationship, each party is happily giving the other their energy. Both walk away feeling light and floaty, happy and blissful.
The problem is, they become expectant on receiving their energy from the other person and cut themselves off from the flow of source. This is problematic as almost no one can continuously give another all of the energy they need. Thus, the power struggle returns.
Be aware of this addiction in your own lives and ensure that you’re always taking responsibility for your own energy.
Opposite Sex Energy
There are two sides to everything: Positive and negative, female and male, yin and yang. Energy is this way as well. We are born with primarily one or the other and seek to gain that which we are lacking in so that we may feel “whole” or “complete”.
When we tap into the universal energy, we automatically receive that which we need the most of in order to make us whole. This brings us back to the circle analogy in the 4th insight.
Historically, children and parents alike have been in competition for the same energy that they need. Since this competition has affected us all, we’ve all been left in search of our opposite sex energy in forms outside of ourselves. Usually in our sexual relationships.
If we begin to receive this opposite sex energy from the universe, and someone of the opposite sex comes into our lives and offers us their energy, we usually disconnect from source and the addiction again forms. We regress from evolved back into our half circle selves seeking the other person’s half to make a whole. It doesn’t work and the power struggle ensues.
Once we stabilize our connection to the universe and learn to receive all of the energy, both male and female, that we need, we can enter into a relationship with someone who has done the same and have what the book calls a “higher relationship”.
We’ve all been co-dependent until realizing this. And we may begin to grow out of it now that we are aware.
Dealing With Other’s Control Dramas
Finally, in the 8th insight, we’re taught what to do when we encounter people in their control drama stories. When you recognize that someone has entered into their control drama and is attempting to drag you into it, all that needs to be done is bring attention to it and send them energy.
If you send the person in question as much energy as you can and simultaneously call them out on it (in a non threatening way), the control drama ceases to exist.
For example, if someone is being a bully, you send as much positive energy in their direction and ask them why they’re being so hostile. Most will diffuse because they’re feeling that the energy they desire is coming in and they have no need for their control drama.
When we can look past the control drama that makes them hostile and see the real person in front of us who’s starving for love, acceptance and essentially, energy, behind it, we can diffuse the situation with understanding and compassion. This dissolves hostilities and makes our interactions, and world, a much more positive place.
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S.S.Blake; Spiritual Life Coach, Yoga + Meditation Teacher and Founder of Earth and Water
Explore working with me to find your voice and share your message with the world.

Redfield, James. The Celestine Prophecy: An Adventure. New York, NY : Warner Books, 1994. Print.