The 7th insight teaches us that we need to be systematic and deliberate about obtaining our energy on a daily basis.
“The first thing I do” Father Sanchez tells us on page 135, “is focus on the environment around me. Then I try to remember how everything looks when I’m being filled with energy. I do this by recalling the presence everything displays, the unique beauty and shape of everything, especially plants and the way colors seem to glow and appear brighter.
Then, I try to experience that feeling of closeness, the feeling that no matter how far away something is, that I can touch it, connect with it. And I can breathe it in.”
Many spiritual teachings focus on the breath as a means of connecting with our higher selves and the energy all around us. There are many breathing exercises that aid in moving energy into and around our bodies for various purposes.
If you’re just now joining us on The Celestine Prophecy’s 9 insights, go back and read them in order starting with the 1st. They help us to understand the world we live in but must be understood in the order they’re presented to utilize their power of manifesting peace and happiness.
Breathing in The Energy per the 7th Insight
In the previous insights, we’ve been learning of the existence of this universal energy and how to tap into it. Father Sanchez teaches us in the 7th insight to breathe in the energy from the environment. Connecting with the energy of nature around him, attuning his vibrations (emotions) to this energy and then allowing his body to absorb it.
Taking in energy this way is healing and can provide us with several benefits in our mental well being, physical health and spiritual connection. When we gain this energy from the environment, we have what we need to feel happy and peaceful and don’t require so much for other people. Something we learned in the 4th insight that we’ve been doing up until this point.
We want to transition from gaining energy from others, which is harmful to them and unsustainable, to gaining it from what the universe provides, which is unlimited.
This practice is best done outside, where you can connect with nature.
- Find a comfortable seated position and relax the muscles of your body.
- Attune your vibrations to the emotion of love.
- Notice your surroundings, pushing your awareness into your senses, out from your body and into the surrounding environment.
- Find your energetic connection to the greenery around you.
- Begin taking deep, conscious breaths into your belly.
- Imagine with every inhale that you’re bringing this energy into your lungs and hold it for 4-5 seconds, allowing it to disperse from your lungs, into the rest of your body.
- If you have a physical point on your body that could use some healing / extra energy, you can send it there by intending to do so.

The Vibration of Life
Love is the underlying vibration of the universe. That which creates all.
Note how green is the color of the heart chakra. The chakra that controls all aspects of love for ourselves, others and the world we live in. Green is the color of life.
It shares a vibration with love and compassion and therefore, by focusing in on nature and the world around us, we can more easily attune ourselves to it.
When we can connect to love we can connect to source energy, the universe, God. Whatever your name for it. It is centered in this emotion which stems from it into us if we are open to it.
“Your body is vibrating on a certain level. If you let your energy get too low, your body suffers. That is the relationship between stress and disease. Love is the way we keep our vibrations up. It keeps us healthy. It is that important.” Father Sanchez tells us on page 152 and I could not have said it better myself.
From another perspective, we know that stress and anger cause inflammation in the body and love and peace decrease inflammation. Inflammation is the root of all disease. So no matter how you look at it, these words ring true.
Tapping Into Intuition With the 7th Insight
We are further taught here that when we are in this state of receiving energy, we are also open to information. After all, energy is not but information.
When we are in this state, our intuition is active and able to interpret the messages we are being sent from our higher power. This allows us to find inspired action, guidance and collaboration with the network of energy to serve the highest good of us all.
We can interpret this as visions, knowing, feelings, dreams, random thoughts and daydreams. There are many gifts associated with this practice. It is overall active participation in the manifestation of our desires and a better world for us all.
When we notice these thoughts, dreams, etc, we should stop and listen to them. Ask questions of them.
- Why are they here?
- What are they wishing to tell us?
- What are they showing us?
- Where are they guiding us?
Feel free to ask for clarity if you are unsure or getting mixed signals. But don’t let distrust in yourself block you from the answers. Trust what’s coming in.
We can ask for answers in this state by focusing on the questions we want answered during the process of breathing in the energy. Essentially, meditating on it and trusting the guidance we are being given.
We’re told in the book that the answers are always given if the questions are right. If you are receiving no answers, it’s because you’re asking the wrong questions.
Living in This Flow State
It’s important to remain connected to this state as often as possible. As humans, we do become distracted with every day life and trials but coming back to this process and state of being can help us to navigate it much smoother.
As you feel tired, angry, sad or anything else on the lower vibrational scale, take a few moments out of your day to do this exercise and tap into the universal flow of energy.
It may take you a bit to get the hang of it. Especially if you don’t find visualizations easy, but the more you practice, the easier it will become until you’re almost always, by default, living in this state of ease and peace.
If you make a point to keep your energy levels full, no one and nothing can cipher more energy from you than can simply be replaced. You’ll find yourself able to do, have and be more than you once were.
The momentum of the energy flowing out of you will create a replacement of energy flowing into you at the same rate. The energy of the universe is unlimited and the law of attraction, the coincidences we spoke of in the 1st insight, ensures that like attracts like.
Therefore, as long as you’re tapped in, tuned in, turned on, energy will always be flowing to you. You must be conscious of the process for it to work though, especially around people. Don’t become distracted. If you feel yourself weakening, open the flow.
Let your perception of beauty lead your way in all things. That which is meant for you will call to you with it’s allure. You’ll be more attracted to it or them. Open yourself to what they have for you and allow them to guide you towards your purpose in this life.
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S.S.Blake; Spiritual Life Coach, Yoga + Meditation Teacher and Founder of Earth and Water
Explore working with me to find your voice and share your message with the world.

Redfield, James. The Celestine Prophecy: An Adventure. New York, NY : Warner Books, 1994. Print.