The 4th insight teaches us of the internal power struggle that’s going on in the background of every unconscious social interaction.
We’ve seen in the previous, third insight that the world is made up of energy. Always swirling and being exchanged from person to person and thing to thing.
As humans, we need energy to live. We’re always subconsciously looking to gain more energy as ours becomes depleted throughout the day. Throughout history, we’ve been gaining this needed energy from the only source we were aware of; each other.
All conflict from small, petty household arguments to all wars have stemmed from this need to gain energy. From someone trying to feel powerful over someone else.
As our protagonist said in The Celestine Prophecy: “Wait a minute, Some wars had to be fought. They were right.”
“Of course.” Wil replied. “But the only reason that any conflict can’t be immediately settled is that one side is holding onto an irrational position, for energy purposes.”
The 4th Insight: The Wrong Way of Gaining Energy
We’ve always been aware that we could steal energy from others even though we didn’t understand what exactly was happening. We know that we feel weak (energy depletion) and when we have certain interactions with others, we feel good and better than we did.
What’s happening is that we’re gaining energy from the people we’re interacting with. This can be positive, in a mutually beneficial exchange such as a stimulating and satisfying conversation with a friend where both parties walk away feeling more energized.
Most often, though, these interactions of energy exchange are harmful and one sided. They come from not only bullies and power drunken bosses but also from well meaning parents and loved ones seeking to control their children and relatives.
It doesn’t matter what your intentions for controlling the other person is. The damage is still done. When we steal their energy, we’re taking their power and leaving them with insecurities and psychological abuse.
In the next insight and post, we’ll take a look at the 4 different ways we steal this energy from others.
More Positive Ways of Gaining Energy
Once again, everything is energy. Since we are also a part of this massive swirling realm of energy, we can tap into it and manipulate it around us.
We can breathe in the energy of the wind and sun. Soak it up through the pores of our skin. Consume it from whole foods offered up to us from the Earth.
There are so many ways that we can positively gain the energy we need to thrive and there’s an unlimited supply in this vast universe for everyone to utilize and benefit from. We don’t have to take it from others.

- Healthy, whole foods
- Exercise
- Meditation and visualizations
- Lifting and helping others
- Practicing gratitude
- Living heart centered
- Learning new things
- Activities that make us happy
- Expressing our creativity
- Feng Shui
Energy is fluid. It’s always moving. The more you put out the more you’ll get in return. Stale energy will stagnate and bring us down. Giving out too much without replenishing our own will bring us down. Neglecting ourselves and the care we need will bring us down.
Follow your emotional guidance system and practice compassion and brain-heart coherence to know if you’re doing it right. Support others in who they are, not what you think they should be. Help one another and feel both of you raise in vibration.
The Struggle for Power in Relationships
The 4th insight teaches us that when you first get together with someone you click with, whether it be a friend or lover, you both are mutually giving one another your energy and feel good when you’re around one another.
Eventually though, if this is the only available source of energy, most become depleted. The majority of people aren’t strong enough to continuously be giving out their energy.
This creates a power struggle within the relationship, with both partners trying to control the energy between the two. Like two half circles that need a whole, trying to use one another to complete themselves.
To avoid this power struggle, the two individuals in question must complete their own circle and then enter into the relationship as two complete circles of energy instead of fighting to control the one circle.
We must learn to live and let live. Stop having expectations of what others should or shouldn’t be. Learn to stop trying to control and dominate others and peacefully coexist alongside one another.
What do you notice in your own life now that you’re aware of the 4th insight? Have you been siphoning energy from others unknowingly? Who’s siphoning it away from you?
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S.S.Blake; Spiritual Life Coach, Yoga + Meditation Teacher and Founder of Earth and Water
Explore working with me to find your voice and share your message with the world.

Redfield, James. The Celestine Prophecy: An Adventure. New York, NY : Warner Books, 1994. Print.
Great post! I 100% agree that others can give or take away energy, I’ve been going through this at work where my energy feels like it’s being sucked up. It’s important to surround yourself with as much positivity as you can
That’s so hard! You can absolutely put up psychic walls to protect yourself from this energy. Maybe that can help you find some relief. I hope it gets better for you.
Namaste, S.S.Blake