Tech has become so intertwined into our lives that we all expect cyborg options soon. It’s insane that many of us remember the world before the internet took hold, considering how dominant it is today. The rate at which tech is progressing could easily by defined as ‘hyper-speed’. Surely we’re not too far away from the future that was portrayed in the scifi entertainment of the late 1900s.
Technology has done amazing things to improve our lives and bring us together. It connects us, entertains us, and empowers us in countless ways. But amidst the undeniable progress, a chilling truth emerges: tech has outpaced morality, leaving us with a powerful force that, built on greed, can do more harm than good.
Big tech companies, driven by profit, have become masters of manipulation. They exploit our inherent psychology, weaponizing anger, division, and polarity to keep us glued to our devices. Algorithms curate echo chambers, feeding us information that reinforces our biases and fuels outrage. This digital cocktail of negativity is addictive, eroding empathy and civility, fracturing communities, and warping our perception of reality.
The consequences are stark. Misinformation spreads like wildfire, eroding trust in institutions and fueling conspiracy theories. Political polarization deepens, with each side demonizing the other, making compromise seem impossible. Mental health suffers, particularly among young people bombarded with unrealistic portrayals and relentless comparison.
Technology’s impact isn’t just personal; it permeates our culture and society. It amplifies existing inequalities, giving a megaphone to hate speech and discrimination. It disrupts traditional industries, leaving many behind in the dust. It even challenges our understanding of privacy, constantly collecting and monetizing our personal data.
Are we doomed to this dystopian future? Not necessarily. The same technology that threatens us can also be our salvation. But it requires a paradigm shift. We need to demand more from tech companies, holding them accountable for the ethical implications of their algorithms and practices. We need to cultivate digital literacy, teaching ourselves and our children to critically evaluate information and navigate the online world responsibly.
Most importantly, we need to reclaim our agency. Instead of being passive consumers, we must become active participants, shaping the technology we create and use. We can support ethical alternatives, prioritize real-world connection over virtual validation, and use our voices to demand change.
Reforming what’s already been established isn’t easy. Big tech has immense power, and vested interests will resist change. Most alternative applications come with the downside of being a new learning curve for most. We must at least TRY to lean towards these more ethically driven apps and services though. The alternative is a world controlled by technology devoid of compassion, empathy, and the very values we hold dear that literally pits us against one another. Creating war out of communities.
The future is being shaped by the choices we make today. Will we allow tech to dictate our morality, or will we reclaim it, harnessing its power for good? The answer lies not in the machines, but in the hearts and minds of humanity.
This is not just about criticizing technology; it’s about acknowledging its power and potential while advocating for responsible development and ethical use. Remember, technology is a tool, and like any tool, it can be used for good or bad. The choice is ours.
Beginning –
Marketing is hard. How do you elevator pitch adhd led content when it is, by nature, seemingly all over the place. We landed on focusing on a vibe rather than a specific topic.
We often fall into the traps of denial when dealing with our own problems. Instead of admitting we may need help with something, we sometimes write it off as an obvious solution we “just need to implement”. We also tend to tell ourselves stories about how certain diagnosis don’t apply to us. Not because we’re “too special” but because we don’t feel worthy of the title of the diagnosis.
Many adults who are only just now finding out that they have a neurodivergent diagnosis struggle with acceptance of it because of deeply rooted beliefs about ourselves and fear of claiming a diagnosis that may not be ours to claim, regardless of the evidence we’re presented.
Navigating an adult diagnosis of neurodivergence can be a process. Between learning to accept the title, realizing you’ve been masking your entire life and navigating the self discovery process from here on out, it can feel both as if your world has been flipped into something new and relief at finally understanding the problems you’ve always dealt with.
Moving forward to navigate the world without “a mask” can be tantalizing and takes a lot of confidence. Many neurodivergent people have created their masks as a form of self protection because the world very quickly teaches us that being ourselves isn’t safe. This isn’t something only neurodivergent people have to deal with but it is a large part of the neurodivergent experience.
Finding the courage to take the mask off and present ourselves authentically to the world is scary, no matter your neuro-wiring. Being diagnosed as an adult often means we’re taking the mask off in front of ourselves for the first time which is an intriguing yet disorienting process of self discovery.
Self discovery in and of itself, regardless of neuro-wiring, is a spiral. You always find yourself circling back in on things that you were previously into and enjoyed. It’s important to remember that the spiral isn’t flat. It can sometimes feel as though we’re running in place but we are going somewhere.

11:10 –
Tech can be crazy helpful as a tool and make our lives a lot easier. Unfortunately, much of the tech world is ran with the goal of pure optimization in mind, taking the human aspect out of it. There’s something powerful in being able to control tech that gives you a feeling of indescribable satisfaction. Especially when you can create with it.
There’s a default “ick” factor to marketing which makes it that much harder for well meaning entrepreneurs to do well in it. So many people are out here on the internet with no other goals that trying to sell and make money and it becomes hard to market yourself when that’s not your goal. Nearly every website has an ulterior motive.
( for free creator resources on recording, editing and streaming. Being a creator is becoming an increasingly hostile environment online.
Most online things are half baked because no one cares anymore. The vast majority of the online interface is owned and ran by the same big tech companies. What’s frustrating is that their websites and apps are stitched together in a nightmarish way that someone with little more than myspace coding experience could do a better job at.
Manu of these tech companies are playing the short game rather than the long game which is detrimental to our society because they’re so large they have an incredible impact on everyone’s daily lives. These companies have successfully trained people to stay in their app to such a degree that an alarming amount of people don’t know how to operate the internet outside of their main apps.
This frameset keeps everyone contained to the miniscule environments in the fenced off corner of the internet that is each app. The internet as a whole wasn’t created this way. It was by default an open system. ActivityPub has given us an alternative which allows the connection of various apps that allow the integration of it to communicate with one another. This keeps it open environment, with no fences. Mastedon is the most famous app for this but the whole is called the Fediverse.
This is what internet freedom looks like. When you can post something on one platform and all other platforms receive and display it indiscriminately. This would/does release creators of the need to post the same piece of content across multiple platforms. If it exists on one, it exists by default on the others. No more taking the same video and manually posting it across all apps individually.
To create a better world for us all we have to continue to vote for the world we want through our energy, attention and interaction. Bringing the people together to discuss what we do want and where we’re going wrong is how we build something better for us all.
There’s different sides to each platform based on a carefully tailored feed of the individual in question and most of it is contradicting. On the same platform, one person will be fed content that reaffirms the doom and gloom of the world whereas another person will be fed sunshine, rainbows and progress. This is the algorithm. It’s designed to feed you exactly what you expect to see and engage with the most and it is really good at it.
Each platform does this and it’s manipulative and ethically problematic. The technology of social media has the power to either unite or divide us which can mean the collapse or the savior of society. This power is unquestionable and instead of being concerned with the future of humanity, dollar signs are often times the only factor being considered by those controlling it.
Go talk to your neighbor. Focus on community building not only online but in the real world too.
About Our Guest

Endeavorance has a passion for storytelling, game design, worldbuilding and absurdist comedy. He works to combine these facets to create engaging and joyful works for his audience, often leveraging his capability with software development to create unique online experiences.
Endeavorance is a strong ally of the queer community and is passionate about equity, collaboration, and human dignity.
My website with everything I do:
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Your Host

S.S.Blake; Spiritual Life Coach, Yoga + Meditation Teacher and Founder of Earth and Water
Explore working with me to find your voice and share your message with the world.