The Brain-Heart Coherence is the synergistic and continuous communication between the heart and the brain. When we can tap into this state of coherence, a series of benefits occur:
- Our relationships with both ourselves and those around us are improved.
- Physical health is improved by benefiting the systems of the body such as the immune system, the digestive system and the nervous system (which can lower anxiety levels).
- DHEA is released, the anti-aging hormone.
- Cortisol levels are reduced, lowering stress levels.
- Both sleep and energy levels are improved.
- Learning is easier, concentration and problem solving is improved.
Since our senses reside in our heads, we tend to think that this is where our consciousness resides as well. I mean, everything comes from the brain, right?
But the more we study ourselves and what makes us who we are, the more evidence shows that our hearts are possibly a more likely candidate for the home of our consciousness.
The Brain-Heart Communication
The heart has 40,000 neurons that communicate directly with the brain. More communication comes from the heart to the brain than the other way around.
Coherence is when the heart and the brain are consciously connected and working together as one. This brain-heart coherence increases harmony in mental, physical and emotional function and can influence reality, others and the entire world around us through it’s magnetic field.
The brain and the heart both have their own electromagnetic fields. The heart’s electromagnetic field is 5,000 times stronger than the brains. This field extends outside the body and is how we connect with and influence the world around us.
It’s essentially our aura and when our auras intertwine with those of people, animals and things, the auras influence one another.
We see this in the fourth insight of The Celestine Prophecy, and how this intertwining can be either positive or negative depending on the intentions of the people in question. Truly fascinating stuff.
The heart is the first thing to form in utero. It communicates with and synchronizes the entire body. It’s been shown that a mother’s brainwaves synchronize to her baby’s heartbeat.
We’ve learned in recent years many functions of the heart that weren’t previously know. The heart is multifaceted and an amazing source of intelligence.

The Study of Brain-Heart Coherence and It’s Impact on the Planet
Gregg Braden, a world renowned scientist and author, describes coherence as asking a question and immediately receiving the answer from the heart.
The heart’s electromagnetic field can be measured several feet feet away from the body and changes depending on the emotions being felt at the time.
Heart rate can also be measured in regards to emotions with negative emotions causing the nervous system and heart rate to behave erratically and positive emotions causing them to be harmonic and synchronized with the breath.
The Global Coherence Initiative studies this brain-heart coherence in relation to the Earth’s magnetic field and how it can be used to develop peace and shift the global consciousness to the next level.
This goes directly hand in hand with the “Improving ourselves to improve the world” tag line we have here at Earth and Water. Through the understanding of coherence, we can positively influence the world around us to bring about a transformation in human consciousness.
You can already see this happening as more and more people become aware of this science. Positive lifestyles in alignment with the good of the earth and humanity are popping up everywhere!
- Minimalism
- Zero waste
- Veganism
Just to name a few. People are becoming more generous and compassionate. Spiritual practices such as yoga and meditation are becoming more prominant as people realize the benefits they pose to every piece of society.
It truly is an exciting time to be alive as we watch humanity and the world shift and change into something completely different before our eyes.
Ascension is said/thought to be associated with this brain-heart phenomenon. Perhaps this is where we are headed. The shift into the new higher vibration that has long been spoken of in ancient religious texts.
For more understanding on the heart and it’s mysteries, check out The Institute of Heartmath and be sure to follow them across all of your preferred social media platforms!
How to Tap Into Your Coherence
Utilizing your brain-heart coherence is already innately within you. You do it sometimes without realizing. With a little practice, however, you can continually live in this state, gaining all of the benefits that go along with it.
The concept is simple. You just bring your awareness to your heart and acknowledge it’s connection with the mind. Allow your heart center to open and guide you. Trust what you’re immediately receiving from it.
It’s essentially just allowing your heart to guide you. Tap into your emotional guidance system. Let the higher vibration feelings guide you.
- Love
- Compassion
- Generosity
- Gratitude
- Curiosity
- Playfulness
- Peace
- Hope
- Courage
- Trust
- Joy
As long as we’re holding these emotions within our heart, allowing them to permeate all aspects of who we are and making decisions based on them, we’re headed in the right direction and doing it right.
Some may find it difficult at first. Especially if you’ve been stuck in the lower vibrations for a long time. Momentum flows where attention goes and from there it grows. You have to flip the script from a negative to a positive. That means
- Healing conflict and trauma
- Practicing forgiveness for both yourself and others
- Choosing to have an optimistic outlook
- Cleaning up your inner and outer space
- Doing the internal work to break your patterns
It’ll be easier for some and harder for others. This depends on our own unique journey and story and what the universe holds for us in the future.
Doing the work is always going to be worth it though. For you, your loved ones and the world as a whole. Together we can build a better society.
Tell us in the comments any insights you have! How do you connect or are you having trouble with it? We’re in this together and can help if you let us know you need it!
Make sure you join the Facebook group for daily chakra, mindset and alignment work!
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S.S.Blake; Confidence Coach, Yoga + Meditation Teacher and Founder of Earth and Water
Explore working with me to find your voice and share your message with the world.