Self care is sacred. Your body is sacred. Caring for it is a sacred and spiritual practice! I’m yelling these words to myself as I type them.
Generally, I’m really good at self care. Last month, though, I guess I was lax with it and a respiratory infection snuck up and bit me. I was sick for maybe 2 weeks or so and then well again for only 2 weeks or so and now I have a cold.
I’m mad at myself for it. I knew I’ve been stressed out and instead of doing anything about it, I mulled in it. Pushed my limits and fought against life and the universe instead of giving in to where it was pulling me. I neglected my self care and now I’m paying the price for it.
But it’s not only me who’s paying the price.
My children don’t have their mom at full power. I don’t have the energy to play with them, my patience is short fused, I have no drive to cook or keep up with the house work like I normally would. My husband suffers because he has to pick up my slack.
When we fail to prioritize ourselves, everyone around us suffers because they’re not getting the best of us. And it’s ok to not be at your best all of the time. It’s ok to have these days and take the rest when you need it. As long as you don’t fall into the hole of chronic self carelessness.
If we don’t voluntarily give ourselves time and space for upkeep, our body and the universe will take it themselves. In the form of sickness.
Eat correctly
You are what you eat, right? You never truly know how bad you feel until you start to eat correctly and lo and behold, you’re feeling great.
I literally use to think that your stomach hurting at some point, in some way, at least once a day, EVERY DAY, was just part of being a girl. IT’S NOT.
Learning how to properly feed yourself isn’t an easy task. I’m not going to pretend it is. It’s been a long and ongoing struggle for me for a long long time and shows few signs of becoming easier.
But it is doable. And it is worth it. And it gets better the more you work at it.
Learning how to eat properly is only hard because you’re not use to it. Chances are, you grew up eating quick, easy, grab and go, processed, what’s organic(?) food for every meal like I did.
There was little to no concept of “healthy eating” in my childhood household. And since healthy eating wasn’t what I grew up doing, I’ve had to learn on my own how to do it.
But that’s all it is. A learning curve. Just like anything else. Once you learn how to do it, it gets easier. I promise. Second nature even.
Don’t know where to start? Email me, message me, contact me via your preferred method.
Make is Sacred
Eating is an intimate practice. The food is going into you and becoming one with you. This is the root of emotional eating. We do it in an effort to fill a hole within us.
- Thank your food and all of the people and process that it passes through to reach your plate. Including mother earth.
- Bless your food with good intentions for nourishing your body.
- Cook your food with joy and positive energy. Vibrations seep out of us and into the food as we cook. Make sure they’re nourishing.
- Add seasonings with intentions. “Rosemary for abundance” “Turmeric for good health” You can find meanings online to seasonings and food but you can also just make stuff up. It’s fine.
- Chew slowly and notice the tastes, textures and subtleties of every bite.
- Dine with loved ones, put away electronics and enjoy each others company while you eat together.
Stress Management
This is the part that gets me most of the time. I’m pretty adement about eating right because I can’t stand to feel like crap when I don’t. But I let my stress get away from me sometimes.
I get so caught up in my work that if I haven’t had time to write, NOTHING. ELSE. MATTERS.
And that’s not good of me.
I’m a mom of 2 very small children so sometimes I’m not going to have time to work. Sometimes things are going to happen like teething at the same time you start night weaning and before you know it 4 days have gone by and no one’s slept more than 3 hours.
It happens. Life happens. I have to be, we have to be more flexible with our time management and priorities.
Work needs to be done. I get it. Trust me, I do. But it shouldn’t come at the exspense of your health. Because then, when you’re sick, even more work is not going to be getting done.
- Spend time in nature
- Commit to a regular exercise practice
- Meditate regularly
- Get a massage with essential oils and soft music
- Take a detoxing Epsom salt bath with crystals, candles, herbs. music and essential oils. Really go all out. You deserve it.
- Journal
Here’s a post on ways of managing stress.
Sacred Self Care to Add to Your Routine
There are a hundred little things every day to add to your routine that constitute self care. They range from obvious things like brushing your teeth to not so obvious things like deep breathing.
You don’t have to do every single self care thing every single day, but routinely to some degree is great. The more you physically love your body, the more you’ll begin to emotionally and spiritually love it as well.
- Dry brush before the shower
- Have a cup of hot tea
- Oil pulling
- Tongue Scraping
- Affirmations
- Setting Intentions
- Massaging your body with oil for hydration
- Anointing yourself with essential oils
- Read
- Practice positive self talk
Here’s an article on 100 ways to practice self care
Everything we do to care for our selves and better our lives IS self love. Make a point to remember that every time you brush your teeth, eat something good for you or drink some water, you’re loving yourself.
Treat yourself like the goddess that you are. Worship yourself and the body that holds you. It is your temple. Treat others like the gods and goddesses they are. We are all divine.
Comment below with your preferred method of sacred self care!
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S.S.Blake; Spiritual Life Coach, Yoga + Meditation Teacher and Founder of Earth and Water

Explore working with me to find your voice and share your message with the world.