Everyone gets really overwhelmed with life. Understandably so. Life can be pretty overwhelming! With all of the emotions and situations we find ourselves in.
With all of the news coverage constantly coming at us from all directions, terrifying us with their latest breaking explosions and brink of war talk.
Everyone having a different opinion on what we’re suppose to do and how we’re suppose to live. With all of the choices demanding our attention 24/7 it’s no wonder that anxiety and depression are up.
We don’t have to live on such a grand scale though. We don’t have to become overwhelmed at the vast amount of things there are in this life to learn and do.
It’s ok to make your world smaller. Focus on what’s directly in front of you and in the near future. Find what few elements affect your life and become a master of these things.
Life doesn’t have to be complicated and overwhelming if you don’t want it to be.
I’ve come to notice that there are basics to life. I talk about energy, self and mindset a lot. I use to be one of those people who hated hearing someone repeat themselves, hated having to repeat myself.
I was gifted with the ability to remember things once I heard, was interested and understood them. So hearing the same thing twice bored me. People repeating themselves bored me.
It drove me crazy when people told the same stories over and over. I despised having to repeat myself about anything.
but I’ve come to realize that some things are worth repeating. Some people need to hear things a few times to remember, understand or even become interested in the topic.
I’ve grown to realize that even I need to hear some things repeated to fully grasp, understand and love them.
So, even though I still dislike talking about mundane things, there are a few simple subjects that should get more of our attention.
Simple things that, when studied and implemented fully and completely into our lives, can change us forever. In the best ways possible. Accidental secrets hidden in plane sight.
There’s not thousands upon thousands of secrets to life. There are only but a few.
In the simple living life to the fullest since of things, being successful and having everything that you wish for, there are but only a few things you need to know. The basics.
The basics may be different according to who you talk to. From my studies and ventures however, I’ve narrowed them down to three categories.
Three things that everything in life seems to fall back into. Three basics that lead to everything you succeed at, manifest and accomplish in life.
I heard someone speak one time about how he had been studying martial arts. I don’t remember which form but it’s not really important to the story.
And I also don’t remember the speaker, as it was an online thing I listened to a long time ago, but if you recognize it and know where it came from please let me know so I can credit them with teaching us this.

The Basics Master
The speaker said he came across an opportunity to learn from a monk who was a master in said form of martial arts. He was super excited about learning from this master of all masters.
And I mean, who wouldn’t be super excited to learn more about something you love from someone who has more or less dedicated their entire life to studying such things?!
When he met with the monk he excitedly asked the monk what they were going to learn. The monk said to him “I’m going to teach you to throw a punch.”
The man was confused. The monk knew the man had been studying martial arts for years. He told the monk, “No, no I know the basics. I wanna learn the good stuff!”
The monk asked him to throw a punch at a candle. And he said he threw his hardest punch and thought it was pretty good. Until the monk threw his own punch at the candle, stopped several feet away from it, and the candle went out.
The monk said, (and I’m paraphrasing, as I heard this story some time ago) “Be not afraid of the fighter that has done thousands of moves 100 times each. But afraid of the one who has done 1 move, thousands of times.”
The monk went on to explain that a master is simply a master of the basics. And that’s what both the speaker who was telling this story, and myself, took away as a lesson.
There is no secret ingredient. There is only mastery of the basics. Once you figure out what the basics of what you’re trying to do, are, stop looking for the secret. There is no secret.
In the case of living life to the fullest and being successful, I’ve found for there to be 3 main basics.

Mindset is knowing you are capable. Knowing there is a way out there that you can have, be or do anything you wish. It’s believing in yourself, your abilities and the universe’s ability to provide.
As long as you have the mindset that you can accomplish anything, nothing can stand in your way.
Yoda said “Whether you believe you can, or you believe you can’t, you’re correct.” Everything stems from your mindset.
The life you create stems from the decisions you make which come from your beliefs about yourself, your abilities and how the world works. Believing you can is half way to succeeding.
You can propel or hinder your own success, depending on your mindset and belief systems.
Mastering yourself fully is the number one thing you can learn to do. This means controlling your mind, mastering your body, knowing and loving yourself fully and incorporating your soul into every aspect of your life.
Loving yourself is knowing you deserve everything you wish for. If you don’t fully believe you deserve what it is you wish you could have, you’ll never have it.
You’ll subconsciously sabotage yourself in getting it. When you love yourself, you allow yourself to have things that make you happy or improve upon you or your life in anyway.
You have to love yourself in order to have the correct vibrations that are going to attract these great things to you. Or otherwise you’ll only attract negativity.
Mastering your body means not allowing physical issues to hinder your progress. When you take care of yourself properly, you have the time and energy to do more.
When you don’t take care of yourself properly, your time and energy gets tied up in being tired and sick. You need all of the energy you can get. Take care of yourself.
Knowing who you are inside and out, you’ll never feel fully whole until you embrace your inner being. You are a soul and this universe is amazing with things we can barely hope to understand.
Your spirit is part of who you are and can’t be ignored. However you define your spirituality, incorporate it into your daily life.
Energy is what you need to accomplish what it is you’re trying to gain. It takes energy to do anything.
Everything is made of vibrating energy and energy is continuously being transferred from one place to another.
You need energy to think, do, live or manifest. So the more energy you have, the more of it you can put towards gaining what it is you want and the faster it will come to you.
It’s both physical action and law of attraction. You want to move closer to it as well as draw it to you.
It’s the harmony of this meeting in the middle type of philosophy that really gets things manifesting in your life. Heal your energy flow. Heal your body and your mind.
Bring your spiritual, pure energy self into the equation and radiate high vibrations into the universe. Tell it exactly what you want and be ecstatic in knowing that it will come to you. You just have to believe it will.
Ask Yourself:
Take a look at these three aspects in your life. Do you have the correct mindset in making what you want happen?
Do you love yourself enough to believe with every aspect of your being that you deserve what it s you wish for?
Is your energy, both physical and non, high enough to both reach and attract all that you desire?
Mastering these basics will bring beautiful, amazing and awe inspiring manifestations into your life. When you have all three aspects working together and fully utilized, nothing is impossible.
Doors will open and you will be unstoppable.
Best Vibes Always,
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S.S.Blake; Spiritual Life Coach, Yoga + Meditation Teacher and Founder of Earth and Water
Explore working with me to find your voice and share your message with the world.