A relationship is a relationship. Whether it be a relationship with a lover, a friend, yourself, food, money, it doesn’t matter. Consider how you would want to be treated and treat the counterpart with the utmost respect and dignity.
Nourish and nurture your relationship. Build on it. Court it. Learn about the partner and do things for them without being asked. Exactly how you would want to be treated.
For relationships with people, we may intuitively understand this. For relationships with things such as money or food, we may have never considered this perspective.
No matter the type of relationship you’re trying to call in, doing so follows the same steps.
- Knowing what you want
- Creating the space for it to manifest
- Nurturing it

An Exercise for Calling in your Relationships
We’re really good at knowing what we don’t want in life. Often, we’re not very good at knowing exactly what we DO want. This is usually the biggest barrier in getting it though.
Think about the type of relationship you want to manifest into your life. Take out a piece of paper and detail it out as much as you can, being sure to focus on exactly what it is you DO want.
“Someone who doesn’t cheat on me” isn’t what we’re doing here. That’s what you don’t want and the universe only speaks in literals and doesn’t differentiate between wants and unwants.
All it’s hearing is “Someone who cheats on me” and giving energy to that focus may very well bring it into being. Instead, “someone who’s loyal” is a much better phrasing.
- What do they do in their spare time?
- What are their interests?
- What are their values and morals?
- What’s important to them?
- What are their goals in life? Their ambitions?
- What are their lifestyle choices?
- How do they eat?
- What’s their style?
Detail out as much as you can about the type of person you would like to manifest a relationship with. Don’t be afraid to be specific and thorough.
Calling in Relationships with Food or Money
This is going to follow the same guidelines as above, but the questions and details may be a little different.
Whereas the focus on calling in a person may focus more on them, these are going to focus more on yourself. After all, food and money are constant. It’s us that are the variables.
- How do you feel when you think of food or money? Is this a positive feeling or no?
- What are your beliefs surrounding food or money?
- When and where did these beliefs come from? Are they helpful?
- What sort of things do you want to do with your money?
- What would a better relationship with food or money feel like?
- Are you thankful for all of the things money allows you to have and do?
- Are you thankful for all of the things healthy food allows you to do?
Once you have your paragraph or so detailed out on what you’re dealing with in regards to money or food, write out another that’s more positive.
How can you take what you have and reframe it into something that is more beneficial and helpful to you and your goals?
Everything begins in the mind and stems from our belief systems. Luckily, we have the power to choose and change our beliefs. They are very so rarely a universal truth and fixed. The vast majority of them are completely malleable.

Creating Space to Manifest Your Relationships
Now that you know exactly what it is you’re trying to manifest in a relationship, you need to make sure there’s room in your life for it to come into being.
I’m a huge advocate for minimalism, because it allows you to always have room for bigger, better and more fulfilling things to come into your life.
Think about what you’re manifesting and where this person or thing would occupy your life. If it’s a lover,
- Is there room in your schedule for the relationship?
- Is there space in your bedroom?
- If you had someone right now, would you bring them into your space as it currently is?
If it’s a friend, similar space may need to be cleared out. The universe needs room both physically and time-wise to insert what you’re asking for into your life. If everything is cluttered, they have no where to come into being.
Clean your spaces, get rid of your clutter and everything that doesn’t bring you joy or have an immediate use.
If you’re calling in a better relationship with food or money, you have to make the space for that as well.
- Do you have a savings account? Checking?
- Have you started a portfolio?
- Is there time you can spare to learn what you need to learn or work on your belief system and mindset?
- Is your wallet cluttered?
- Is your fridge in need of a cleaning out?
- Are your cabinets organized?
Whatever you’re working on manifesting into your life, meditate on it and all of the things that go along with it. Make sure you create the space for it to come into being.
Nurturing Your Relationships
This is where you court yourself, your friend, food, money or whoever and whatever it is you’re inviting into your life.
- What do they like?
- What can you do for them?
- Can you learn more about them?
- What would make them happy?
- How can you show appreciation for them?
You need to live your life as though they’re already present in your life. Read a book on money or food. Go to the farmer’s market on your own if that’s what you envision for you and your lover or friend.
Book a spa day or dedicate getting that massage or pedicure once a month. Write a love letter to yourself, money or food. If the tables were turned, what do you wish someone would do for you? Be that person.
Keep looking for things to do for your relationship, regardless to if you can physically see it’s existence or not. It’ll come. Just stay focused and optimistic.
Tell us in the comments what sort of insights or questions you have on this subject!
I’ll walk you through it and help you stay focused on manifesting the relationships of your dreams.
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S.S.Blake; Confidence Coach, Yoga + Meditation Teacher and Founder of Earth and Water