The word “success” means something different to everyone. We’ll take the most common definition of it as it applies to money and fame, though it could just as easily mean health and love. Whatever your definition, mindset blocks keep us from achieving it.
Some people find themselves limiting success in their personal or professional lives because subconsciously they feel they don’t deserve it. They won’t allow themselves to achieve goals or break through a plateau of a certain magnitude. They unconsciously sabotage themselves and accept it as something that is out of their control or just not meant to be.
These are what we call mindset blocks, also known as a limiting or false belief. They can present themselves obviously or inconspicuously. Either way, you have to be aware of yourself and that they exist if you wish to fix them.
These sorts of things can not be solved over night. They take time to retrain your mind from believing one extreme to another. But it can be done. It’s just a matter of identifying it and deciding to make an effort to change it.
I believe everyone deserves to be happy and follow their dreams.
People are limiting success and happiness in their lives because they feel undeserving. This is called a mindset block.
People in their lives have told them or made them feel as though they aren’t good enough. Maybe they can’t forgive themselves for allowing people to hurt them, maybe they’re upset with the way they themselves have reacted towards things. The reasons people feel not good enough stretch far and wide and stop only with ones ability to imagine.
Everyone feels insufficient in one area or another. None of us are perfect.
I myself was picked on very heavily for my entire childhood and all the way through my teenage years. To add to this, my entire family all perfectly resembled what people would consider as the “cool kids” and I was most definitely not.
I always had my head in a book, I got excited about Harry Potter, The Lord of the Rings, all things sci-fi and magical. When I wasn’t reading, I was on my computer and when I wasn’t doing that, I was encased in my head and thoughts, earphones on and anti social. I was labelled strange and weird by both school mates and family.
I tell you this not for sympathy. I’ve healed from it all greatly and forgive all of those involved. But for a long time I had thoughts of “why can’t I take up for myself?” “why do I just sit here and take it” “how do I fit in?” “Am I really that weird?”
I also developed a defense mechanism where if someone actually was nice to me, I was mean and hateful to them in return because I felt that the only reason they were being nice to me was so that they could be mean to me behind my back to others later. I felt I had to “get them” before they could “get me”.
It all stemmed from poor self image and low self esteem. I thought, “how could anybody actually want to be my friend? I’m fat, weird and awkward” because this is what I had been conditioned to believe.
I was limiting my own success in every aspect of my life because I felt undeserving of it. I had some major mindset blocks.
It took me years to get out of this mindset by myself. And I kind of did it by accident because I was unaware of mindset blocks and false beliefs and that there was anything to get out of at all.
First, you have to start small with breaking your mindset blocks.
Understand that progress is progress no matter how small. Massive changes don’t happen overnight. Or even over a week. It’s all a work in progress. We’re all always a work in progress.
Focus on always moving forward. Always improving. Believe you can and then never give up, and you’ll succeed in all you wish. Everything’s always changing anyway. We can’t stop the change. Only direct it in one way or another. Choose to direct it in a positive manner.
Then, you have to learn to forgive yourself and others for their own mindset blocks.
I know this is hard but again, any progress is good progress. You just have to set the intentions to do so.
Simply start to tell yourself “I want to forgive myself/others” and be consistent with this and eventually you will be able to move to “I am beginning to forgive” and so on and so forth until you achieve “I have forgiven”
Accept that we are all human. Which means we are all imperfect and that our imperfections gives us things to work on about ourselves and that’s what makes life fun. If we were all perfect we would have no where to go. No challenges to strive to succeed. No room for growth.
Not to mention the word “Perfection” doesn’t exist in any form. It’s all relative. Completely different definition depending on who you ask. So leave “perfection” to things that aren’t physical reality.
Trust the Universe and Your Intuition.
They both know more than our brains could ever hope to and they both have our absolute best interest at heart. They want us to be happy and succeed. It’s just a matter of getting ourselves out of the way and allowing great things to happen.
Understand that the Past is Unchangeable but the Future is Limitless.
We can only strive to be better, do better from here on out. Accept that everything that happened in the past did so to teach us a lesson and shape us into what we are today. Had those things not occurred, we would be completely different.
Follow Your Emotions When Identifying Mindset Blocks.
They tell us where we need to work on ourselves. Follow and do what makes you happy, excited, vibrant. Work on what makes you sad, angry, upset in any way. Those negative emotions serve to show us what needs attention to come to peace.
Learn to Love Thyself.
The missing piece of people is quite often themselves. When you learn to love yourself and accept yourself for who you are and where you are in your path, the world will open up to you. Again, start small. I know these things are not easy but the most important thing to remember is that they can be done.
Let go of that which doesn’t serve you. Accept that which you cannot change. But know the difference between unable to change and unwilling to change.
Don’t Get Humility Confused With Mindset Blocks.
Some people feel as though becoming successful will lead them to be a bad person. They think that successful and wealthy people are crooked or immoral. That rich people have to do something evil to become rich. They, themselves don’t want to be anything bad. So they are subconsciously limiting success for themselves to stay a good person.
They associate being rich with a certain image. They don’t want to be “stuck up” or “full of themselves”.
One can be both humble and magnificent. It’s just a matter of actions and attitudes. You can believe yourself to be magnificent and not have a stuck up, better than others, asshole-y way to it. It’s called confidence. Believe you are magnificent whilst being kind, generous and full of love for everyone and everything.
You’ll Adapt, Just Never Stop Improving
People don’t feel as though they deserve success because they don’t think they can handle the wealth and attention. This is also what we refer to as “mindset blocks”.
Everything is a learning curve. It’s just a matter of recognizing if you can handle it or not, knowing you need to learn how to and then taking the steps to do so.
If one is not good with money when one is poor, one will not be good with money when one is rich. This is a whole different mindset that needs to be changed. People refer to it as your “money story” or your “money mindset” which may come back to your self worth or a belief that money is evil. You might have a scarcity mindset, it’s different for everyone.
I use to have a hard time with a scarcity mindset. I inherited this from my mother and my grandfather. My grandfather grew up in the great depression. My mother probably got it from him. Either way, we didn’t have much when I was growing up and I spent my entire life watching my mother agonize over every little penny.
I took this into my life and denied myself many things even though money isn’t something I’ve ever struggled with. I still felt like I couldn’t afford anything.
I’ve recognized my mindset blocks and have made mountainous leaps of improvements on it and I feel like a huge weight has been lifted that I never even knew I was carrying around. Progress is abundantly noticeable and I know that I am limitless in what I can and will achieve!
All mindset blocks can be worked through. It’s just a matter of knowing yourself and knowing how to notice limiting or false beliefs within yourself and looking for a path to remedy them.
But what if I succeed and then lose it?
To this I bring up the quote, “Better to have loved and lost than to have never of loved at all.”
People lose loved ones everyday. This is the hardest loss to experience. And some do lose themselves, some never recover, some recover after years. It all just depends on the person and their mindset.
When you think about this aside fears of losing success it lessens the importance of it. Losing money or fame doesn’t seem as such a big deal.
If one is worried about losing wealth and fame I would ask why such things are so important to them. Often it’s not the actual money or fame but the feelings that those things give them. Freedom, peace of mind, safety and a luxurious lifestyle.
When things like this are achieved and then lost, often it’s because one’s vibrations shift from abundance to scarcity. It’s the law of attraction. They love everything that’s happening so much that they begin to become afraid of losing it.
If they simply remain happy and enjoying life, their vibrations remain attuned to these things which keeps bringing them in. When you become afraid, undeserving or allow doubt to seep in, your vibrations become lowered which attracts more things that cause these feelings, in turn, losing it all. Like attracts like.
Practice Gratitude in Everything.
The key word here being practice. All of these things are a practice. No one can instantly be good at any of them. We all require practice. More some than others, some less. However long it takes each of us is fine. It is part of our own unique journey.
I’d love to help guide anyone who may have these stuck mindsets. There is definitely hope in having all one wishes to achieve. Stop limiting success in your life. Embrace it, grow it, love it.
Best Vibes Always,
Read on improving your Confidence
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S.S.Blake; Confidence Coach, Yoga + Meditation Teacher and Founder of Earth and Water
Explore working with me to find your voice and share your message with the world.