The Leo New Moon
This lunar cycle is kicking off exactly like the last one did, in Leo. Except this time, it’s super charged with the extra energy of the Leo solar eclipse! If you missed last new moon’s post on intending with the Leo new moon, here’s a refresher on what all Leo encompasses:
- Passion
- Boldness
- Protection
- Loyal
- Fearless
- Leadership
- Generous
- Confidence
- Ambition

- Planet: Sun
- Element: Fire
- House: 5th (Pleasure)
The Solar Eclipse
Now, the solar eclipse is going to make things a little different this time. Whereas we would normally quiet our minds and simply decide what we would like to work on or manifest with this energy, chances are, the solar eclipse is telling you what you should work on right now.
If you don’t know much about astrology, let me throw you for a bit of a loop by telling you the house that this eclipse is in is Virgo. The houses rule certain aspects of our lives such as romance or relationships with family, our health or communication skills.
In Virgo’s case here, it’s directing us towards looking at our daily lives. Everything from our work to our personal habits. This eclipse is pointing us toward reflecting on what we do on a day to day basis.

On a grander scale, the area that the eclipse effects the most is that which the shadow is cast over, in our case, the U.S.. Chances are, you’ve noticed a vast amount of upheaval in this area lately. And astrologers say it isn’t over yet.
Take time to do some inner reflection and evaluate your participation in the world.
- Is this celestial energy highlighting anything that needs innovation in your personal life (ie are you feeling any resistance or chaos anywhere)?
- Are you doing what you can to be a source of love and light in this challenging time?
- How are you being called to improve?
- Get honest with yourself, are you making the world a better place or are you adding to the unrest, in a cultural, societal or environmental way?

We don’t have to pick up protest signs and march to be a part of positive change. The most potent thing we can do is seek to improve ourselves in a positive manner. In this way, we influence all around us.
This solar eclipse is exposing everything for us. It’s showing us what needs to be improved so that we can create a better world for us to move forward into. After all, the solar eclipse brings great power & energy to highlighting & bringing about change. It’s signifies rebirth & calls for us to look inward at ourselves.
In Creating Our New Intentions
Always reflect on your last month’s intentions before setting new ones. This will show you what you made progress on, what needs to be released and what needs to be continued. That being said, you can repeat intentions from month to month if need be. There aren’t really many rules when it comes to this sort of stuff, it’s all about what resonates and feels right to you.
Our intentions this month should focus around the Leo aspects while pertaining to our daily life choices and how they effect the the world around us.

Although choosing the path of your intentions is fine, don’t force it. If you set an intention and it just feels off or not quite right, listen to those feelings and adjust accordingly.
The best way to find the intentions that are right for you this go around is to take a few minutes to quiet your mind. Breathe deeply and find a feeling of peace, comfort and love. Feel your whole body with this feeling starting at your heart and moving outward to your extremities.
If nothing comes to you immediately, you can choose to rest in this meditation for a while or get up and do something passive like cleaning or showering. Something that quiets your mind and allows thoughts to come and go freely.
Directions you can gently focus on if you need to:
- Is there a leadership role that needs you to step up into?
- Do you need to voice or act more into your beliefs?
- Do you need to reevaluate your beliefs (ie make sure they’re your own)?
- Do you act in full alignment with your beliefs?
- Is there a cause you’d like to become more involved in?
- Is there a damaging habit in your life that needs to be released or improved?
- How can you make the world a better place?
- How can you help others?

I’d love to know the intentions that have chosen you. You can drop them in the comments below so that we may all add positive energy to them or you can message me and let me know about them.
Reflection of August’s Intentions
I intend that I live life to my own standards without fear of other’s opinions.
I have definitely let go of any fear I had with being myself and living my truth. I don’t think I’ve really exercised it much to those I had the fear with but I also haven’t felt the need or desire to. When you release these negative feelings, you also find that you don’t have the need or desire to prove yourself or show them one thing or another. It’s quite freeing.
I’ve also noticed a release in any negative feelings toward them. Just as I don’t have to live by their opinions of me, I have no need to subject them to any opinions I may or may not have toward them. It’s quite peaceful on a deep scale.
I intend that I express myself fully and confidently in every situation.
I guess I sorta answered this one also in the above one. I do have some expressions planned for my next doctor’s visit.
I intend that I focus on big and bold business moves.
Ya know, I’ve thought about it significantly more this past month but I haven’t actually taken action on anything. I suppose things are still in the planning stage and that’s cool cause I’m in no hurry. I like to focus on one thing at a time and I’m currently working on a holistic food journal for you guys.
I intend that I provide my family with everything that they need.
I suppose I have. They don’t want or need for anything. Even the one that isn’t here yet gets everything I feel it needs and deserves haha.
I intend that I have all the strength I need, both mental and physical, to accomplish all that I desire.
Yes! Awesome! I love this one and need it to continue on indefinitely. It’s kept me pretty great so far.
I intend that I create wonderful and inspiring things.
It’s hard for me to judge this one on myself. I love everything I create. Whether others find them wonderful or inspiring really isn’t up to me to decide. It’s up to you.
I have the power to create my ideal life.
September’s Intentions
- I intend that I speak my truth clearly and effectively.
- I intend that I channel my anger and impatience toward productivity and innovation.
- I intend that I stand up for what I believe in and demand what I deserve.
- I intend that I reflect and relax on what I’ve accomplished and where I need to go.
- I intend that I plan, create and innovate in all areas of my life.
- I intend that I am organized, clear and focused in all areas of my life.
By improving myself and my daily habits, I improve the world as a whole.

Best Vibes Always, S.S.Blake
P.S. Again, drop your comments and intentions below and/or message me if you need support, advice or just wanna chat!
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S.S.Blake; Spiritual Life Coach, Yoga + Meditation Teacher and Founder of Earth and Water
Explore working with me to find your voice and share your message with the world.