Progress doesn’t happen over night. When I first started getting into seasonal eating, I didn’t make it much past looking at the list. The month after that, I bought something off of the list and let it go bad before I learned what to do with it. The next month I bought something, cooked it and loved it! After that, I bought 2 things and cooked them!
Progress is slow by nature. Just look around at society and all of the things we really thought we’d be done with by now (Racism, sexism, etc.).
We beat ourselves up about things because we’re not seeing immediate results. We’ve got a “Work harder” culture that puts pressure on us to make drastic changes over night and we often quit entirely too early because we “fail” to accomplish this impossible task.
Progress is slow but any progress in a positive direction is worth celebrating and continuing. I’ve learned both so much and so little in my seasonal eating journey but I’m in things for the long haul. I’m a Taurus and we’re loyal and committed. I’m not looking for overnight changes. I’m looking for progress.
I plan on being on this journey thirty years from now. And if you don’t feel the same dedication to the changes you implement, you should probably find some different changes to implement. Because temporary changes bring about temporary results. Diets don’t work. Lifestyle changes do.
What I’ve learned
I’ve learned that parsnips are the vegetable that I never knew I was missing out on! They’re delicious and so easy to work with!
I’ve learned that my body absolutely positively does not do well with cabbage. After I eat it my stomach cramps so bad that I’m bed ridden for 3-4 hours. I’ve learned that this is a vata imbalance. ( Dosha post to explain vata, pitta and kapha here!) My intuition is telling me that it needs to be cooked differently but I haven’t looked into it yet.
I’ve never been a picky eater. I’ve always said that I can make myself eat anything as long as I know it’s good for me. Brussels Sprouts have always been the exception to this rule. I’ve tried them several times in my life and just cannot. That is, until my husband’s cousin made some for Thanksgiving. They were so good that I literally sit around and daydream about them.
I asked her for the recipe and of course my cooking skills aren’t on that level yet so mine turned out to be a mildly disappointing learning experience. They were good but not even close to as good as she had made them. I did learn what blanching is though, sorta. I think. Google’s really bad at explaining it fully because I guess they think it’s a basic thing most people should know?
I’ve also learned that seasonal eating doesn’t only apply to the “what” but to the “How” you eat. In the summer months, raw is great since it cools you down and keeps you feeling lite. In the winter months, cooked is better. This is also a vata, pitta, kapha thing.
Anyhow, I’ve been learning a lot and I’m excited about what this fresh year of exploration and discovery holds for me! Starting with January’s seasonal eating!
January’s Seasonal Eating List
- Carrots
- Celery
- Celery Root
- Chard
- Chicories
- Cilantro
- Collard Greens
- Endive
- Fennel
- Green Onions
- Horseradish
- Kale
- Kohlrabi
- Mint
- Mustard Greens
- Oregano
- Parsley
- Parsnips
- Pecans
- Radicchio
- Rapini
- Rosemary
- Sage
- Sprouts
- Sunchokes
- Tarragon
- Thyme
- Turnips
- Yams
I also got a spiralizer for Christmas! I’m so excited about it! You can spiralize almost everything! I’ve already been using it!
Watch my Instagram Stories for all of the cooking and recipes I try! When they run they’re course on the stories I move them down into the “Body” tab so you can have access to them indefinitely!
If you want a more specifically tailored to you and your location list, I get all of my info from Seasonal Food Guide! Leave us a comment below with your favorite January’s seasonal eating recipe!
Check out the Body Buddha Community for more healthy living and ayurvedic tips!
And while we’re talking about clean eating, here’s a mini detox to clean all areas of your life:

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S.S.Blake; Spiritual Life Coach, Yoga + Meditation Teacher and Founder of Earth and Water

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