Money gets a bad wrap with a lot of people. Those in the spiritual community think that pursuing it makes you less spiritual and tainted per say.
Much of the poor believe that it is evil. So I see a lot of people (myself included at one point) feel guilty about how much they think about it.
Is it really bad to think about money all of the time though? Nah. It makes the world go ’round. It’s super important to everything.
I believe it should be right up there in your priority list with health, happiness and family. And it always seems to overlap into everything anyway.
When you resist it, you’re putting up walls between yourself and it, making it harder to manifest and attain. If you think it is evil, you’ll subconsciously block yourself from having it because you don’t want to be evil.
When you lean into it and the draw you’re feeling to it, it becomes easier to attain.
Money is simply a tool
Money doesn’t have an preference to what you do with it. It simply exists. It can be used for good or bad and I assure you not every person on this planet who has money is a bad person.
It can open up opportunities in life to do some seriously good things. It can allow you to give more to friends, family and those who need it the most such as the homeless, the under privileged and sick.
- More money = better health
- More money = philanthropy
- More money = freedom = happiness
- More money = better things for family/ more time with family
If you’re concerned with the temptations of it, make it your goal to give back. Commit to sending some to the charity(s) of your choice, donating every time your asked and giving back to your community.
Money enhances the person you already are. It makes “bad” people worse and “good” people better. If you trust that you are a good person, you have nothing to worry about.
As long as you don’t become so obsessed that you put it ahead of everything else, then you’re doing good. Hold to your morals and keep in mind that it’s a tool to help with the important stuff and you’ll be fine. More than fine.
Understanding your relationship with money
If you see money as evil or corrupt it will lead you to have a poor relationship with your finances and in turn, struggle for your entire life with it.
Take a moment to meditate on how you feel about it.
- What sort of emotions come up when you think about it?
- What are your beliefs around it? Write them down.
- Where did these beliefs come from? Are they even yours?
- Are your beliefs true and helpful?
Remember, you get that which you believe. If you believe you’ll never have money, you never will. If you believe money doesn’t come to people like you (whatever that means) then it won’t.
Make sure you’re forming your own beliefs around money. We so very often inherit the belief systems of our parents and grandparents whether their our own personal truth or not without even realizing it.
Write down in great detail everything you can about you and your relationship with it and abundance in general.
- What are your patterns with it?
- Are they positive patterns or negative?
- Did you inherit these patterns from someone or are your habits opposite? Why?
- Do your patterns need to be broken and reworked?
Money is neither good nor evil. It is only a medium. It’s how you use it. The more money you have, the more great things you can do in this world. Not only for yourself but for others as well. Money helps us help others.
Wouldn’t you want to donate to every organization you come across? No one likes avoiding the guy in front of the store with the bell at Christmas time because their trying to buy presents for everyone. You want to donate a decent amount of money AND buy your loved ones exactly everything they want!
Money helps you do this. Don’t stress over it. Focus on all the good you can do with it and go out there and get it.
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S.S.Blake; Spiritual Life Coach, Yoga + Meditation Teacher and Founder of Earth and Water
Explore working with me to find your voice and share your message with the world.