“Manifesting” has become a buzz word in the online spiritual and personal development community. Once seen as ‘woo-woo”, something for those not interested in science, quantum physics is lending a lot of validity to these ancient and esoteric teachings. We’re learning that we know far less about the workings of the universe than we thought we did.
The double slit experiment, with the observer effect taught us that the power of consciousness goes beyond what we ever imagined (Dr Emoto’s rice experiment further enforced this). Phenomena like quantum entanglement, quantum tunneling and the unified field theory all bring validity to the “magick” of manifesting.
So more of us are believing now, which is great because that’s an important step in the process. But the implementation can prove to be a little more difficult than commonly described in the “how to” content you find attached to the word. For one, our mindset about it is usually in the wrong place. The ultimate goal of manifesting isn’t about gaining “stuff”. Too many go into it with the desire for riches and status. The true energy of manifesting lies in aligning your internal blueprint with the reality you desire.
“But Savannah, I DESIRE riches and status. So get to the point and tell me why this isn’t working?”
No you don’t. You desire the emotions and energies you’ve been conditioned to believe riches and status will bring you. But all of the riches and status in the world, alone, can’t get you the love, fulfillment, healthy relationships, ease, flow and sustainable happiness in your self and life that you’re truly seeking. So that’s where we need to be placing our visualization and focused intentions: on the emotions.
Generally, instructions on how to do this is as simple as “just visualize what you want, tune your vibrational frequency to the thing and you’re good to go”, right? Sounds simple enough. However, the majority of us are struggling with making this work. That’s because we’re missing a huge chunk of the recipe.
It’s about deep self discovery that explores every aspect of what it means to be you. The light and the dark.
It requires healing every situation, circumstance and trauma that has damaged your original energy signature and continues to murk up your focused awareness. In order to properly manifest that which we want, we have to clean and clear all of the subconscious programming that’s holding us back and reestablish new, helpful programming that’s going to unfold that vision board masterpiece.
We have to become the type of person who has the things and feelings we want, and that has to come about in a sustainable manner or else it won’t work. Long term, sustainable integration of your truest self that compounds and builds upon itself. There are no quick fixes to any of it. It’s a lifelong pursuit and the commitment to that scares a lot of people. But hey, we’re stuck here until we die anyway, right? Might as well be working towards something.
Beginning –
We section ourselves off in order to explain and understand who we are and still come out with no answers because we fail to see ourselves as a whole. It’s hard to understand ourselves as a whole which is why we section ourselves off.
The boxing is what our culture has taught us in order to be digestible but the nature of humanity is too big on an individual scale. It can’t be boxed. It’s like slicing a horse into sections (did you see that movie “The Cell”? It scarred me a bit) and trying to determine what you’re looking at from just one section.
Marketing pitches are extra hard in the energetic field because we’re working with all of the known universe. That seems to grand to be possible but once you understand the fundamentals of the area of study, it’s all quite simple yet expands across all things. How do you put that in an elevator pitch?
Society and culture tells us that we need to know what we’re going to do for the rest of our lives by the time we’re in our teens. This construct counters what is normal for human development. We’re still children in our teens with a next to nothing knowledge of the world and what’s available to us. It’s unfair to ask a teen to decide what they want to do for the rest of their lives at this early point.
There is no such thing as having your life put together. No one has their life completely put together. The people who seem as though they have their life put together are either only putting on a show or only have certain parts ‘put together’. All aspects are never completely put together. That’s a myth. It’s definitely not a thing.
We all have various roles that we take on. It’s important that we don’t over identify with these roles and instead allow space for the flexibility of who you are without them to fill in the gaps. You are not your roles. You step into roles as yourself, independent of the role itself and bring your own flare to that archetype.
Soul contracts. Why would a spirit want anything easy? That’s a waste of their time. Instead, you’re going to choose that which has the most contrast because that’s where most of the learning occurs. As Abraham Hicks says, “When you know what you don’t want, you know what you do want.”
The more you step into yourself, the more you give permission to others to do the same. It’s the lighthouse effect. You become a beacon of light.
11:30 –
So many of us are comfortable in discomfort. It’s easier to continue to doing what we’ve been doing rather than try and form new habits around what we may actually want.
Perhaps most people don’t actually feel as though they belong. We’ve all just been conditioned to go along with what everyone else is doing, without a thought about what we want. What we want as individuals was always shoved to the side as not important. So we all just accepted it.
When you start pulling at the threads of things, they quickly unravel. People don’t like for you to pull at the threads of society and culture so those who do often get labeled as ‘bad’ or ‘rebellious’. Generally speaking, these people (often children) are only looking to understand.
It’s natural to want to conform, fit in and be liked. This urge can be the center of our turmoil, there is no greater reward than the relationships you build. As hard as it may seem, our focus instead should just be to focus on finding our own happiness. This means creating our own happiness, despite the circumstances.
Not to be morbid, but we’re all going to die sooner rather than later and so we should probably be getting on this ‘happiness’ thing sooner rather than later. None of us are getting out of this alive.
You only want what you think you want because of how you think it will make you feel. If you focus on the feeling alone, without all of the circumstances that you think need to occur before you can get to these emotions, you’ll find things arising that get you to them more often and in ways you never dreamed possible.
The less you do, the more everything unfolds. It sounds counter intuitive because it is, but it’s exactly what the 12 laws of manifesting say to do. We’ve been programed to be doers. We’ve been taught that the more we do, the closer to success we will be but the feminine energy needed to create requires space for that creation to come into being.
The heart sends more messages than your brain. It’s the forefront that you should focus on and follow. The world doesn’t operate under the logic that we think it does. The Heart Math Institute is proving all of this for us on a scientific level.
We can’t afford to continue to play around with these positive habits that could make a difference in the world. It’s time for us to commit to these lifestyle practices that we know will make a difference to both ourselves and others. In order to do this, you have to understand and know your own values and priorities.
Mexican story about how a fisherman meets a business man who tries to convince him to spend more time catching fish so that he can make a bigger profit in order to grow rich and be able to do whatever he likes. The fisherman replies with “I already do whatever I like.” In a nutshell. I definitely paraphrased.
27:45 –
Shopping, sex, substances and whatever other addictions are a shot of dopamine and not real happiness.
World schooling as an alternative option for schooling your children. I recently did an episode on ‘unschooling’ which is another option to traditional public school totally worth exploring.
Deciding what’s for you is a definite yes or a definite no. If you’re unsure, it’s a no and it’s not personal. If it’s not for you, it’s not for you. Allow the frequency of expansion. This allows for possibilities to unfold. The opposite of expansion is contraction. Allow the space for it. That’s all it takes. If you’re not allowing for this expansion, you’re creating tension in your life and body.
You have to tap into the awareness of your body and life and notice where you’re feeling tension and where you’re not so you can address it. In particularly, the nervous system, which will always direct you towards what is working for you and what isn’t. Our emotional guidance system is another way to tap in to your own alignment.
Stress, anxiety, tension and all of the lower energy emotions you can feel as muscle contraction in your body. This tension impedes the energy flow not only in terms of chi or ki, but also in physical terms of blood circulation, oxygenation of the cells, digestion, lymph node detoxification and all other bodily function that requires unconstricted movement to work optimally.
Our minds are a powerful tool we’re always using whether intentionally or not. We can use it to create stories in our head that cause anxiety or we can use it to daydream about what we want in life. We allow our thinking to get in the way of our own happiness.
Imagine someone asked you if you wanted to move to a tropical paradise on the other side of the world. Instead of freaking out with a “that sounds scary, how could I possibly!?” Just allow it to be a “Man yeah that sounds like a good time.” or a “Nah, I don’t think that’s for me.” and then go about your life. If you find yourself googling What are the steps? What do I need? What do I need to learn? Then cool, and you may find yourself becoming swept away in the getting of just that.
We stress and worry too much about things when we could really just sit back, relax, have a good time and allow things to unfold however they will. When you allow energy the space for expansion, that’s exactly what it’s going to do because expansion is the nature of energy. If you just let things happen for you, they will unfold in ways you never thought possible.
Release attachment to whatever you think is or will be.
To do this means being present in the moment. Noticing how you feel right now and adjusting accordingly to what’s happening right now. We don’t want to give any attention what so ever to that which we don’t like or want. Don’t ignore your problems, but you can also be delusional in how they’re all going to work out for the best and decide to trust that.
34:15 –
We spend most of our time in the past or present.
We can’t possibly know how things are going to unfold for us, so we shouldn’t even try to predict it. In order for new things to come into our life, the old things have to fall away to make space for them. You have to make a mess to clean a mess. If you have a closet you’ve spent years shoving things into because you didn’t want to / know how to / have the space to deal with them and now you want to clean and address it, you first have to pull everything out of the closet before you can begin putting things back in an organized manner.
This is why things may appear to be falling apart sometimes. Especially when you start the inner work required to heal and put these practices into your daily habits. Like a caterpillar turning to mush in order to reform itself into a butterfly, this process can be super scary and uncomfortable.
Our brains are wired to keep us safe so anything different, no matter how innocent or for our own good, will set off alarms of caution within us. Different is unknown so our brains will fight to keep us in sameness, even if it’s detrimental to our wellbeing because there’s a sense of safety in the familiar.
You should absolutely curate your social media feeds to support what you want and how you want to feel. In this same way, we should work to curate our lives to only allow access to us that which brings us the energy we desire.
Our nervous systems developed in a mostly peaceful era, when we spent the majority of our time gardening and tending to the animals. Life moved at a much slower, quieter pace and our fight or flight responses were rarely activated.
Now a days, our nervous system is activated, alert and alarmed the majority of the time, whether anything is actually going on or not due to the constant influx of information and flashing lights. If feels as though things are worse in the world than they’ve ever been because we now have the news from all over the world readily available. This use to not be the case at all. In the past, we only knew what was going on in our sleepy little village.
Despite it feeling like this, we’re actually living in the safest time in recorded history. Reminding our systems of this is a constant job. Relaxation techniques can help.
Again, curate what you allow into your vortex. Don’t watch the news if it triggers your nervous system. Focus on what you can do and let the rest be for someone else to deal with.

Look for the helpers. Put your energy and attention behind the helpers. These people can be hard to find. You have to actively look for them.
Check in with your heart, not your head, because if you allow your head to run things, you’ll most likely be doing all of the things. This isn’t helpful or sustainable because then you’ll burn yourself out, go home and start snapping on your family, which is adding to the problems.
Mother Teresa said if you want to change the world, go home and love your family.

There are a lot less rules than we think they are. We have the ability to choose what we want in life, even if it feels like we don’t. No matter our circumstances, we can control where we put our focus. Everything is perception.
It’s our ego that keeps us upset about things longer than we have to be. We can simply flip the switch in our heads from upset to happy but we feel as though if we do that too quickly, anyone we’re upset with may think that what they did was okay and we can’t have that. There are lots of reasons we continue to mull and perpetuate a mood instead of letting go of it and moving on but it is a choice we make.
Abraham Hicks talks about basking in every moment of peace, gratitude, happiness, etc that we can in order to make them bigger, longer, more sustainable and more frequently occurring. Prioritize positive emotions. The power of holding that frequency for 17 seconds which allows it to grow and compound.
Learn your own natural rhythms and try your best to honor them, even if they seem to go against what society, culture and others do and say you should be do. Everyone’s rhythms are different and that’s okay. Some of us thrive early in the morning, others thrive late at night, some of us sustain a constant level of energy, some of us ebb and flow periodically throughout the day. It doesn’t necessarily mean anything’s wrong.
Human design is briefly discussed.
About Our Guest:

As an energy alignment coach and healer Christina helps women who struggle with feeling alone in their spiritual journey and overwhelmed by life’s challenges. She provides empowering practices and support to help you get spirituality off of the hobby shelf and integrated into your everyday life, so you reconnect with your intuitive guidance, find peace amidst the chaos, and embrace your true power to create the life you desire.
And my links:
- Www.spirituallyawareliving.com
- Www.spirituallyawareliving.com/quiz
- Www.facebook.com/spirituallyawareliving
- Www.instagram.com/spirituallyawareliving
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- Www.spirituallyawareliving.com/podcast
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About Your Host:

S.S.Blake; Spiritual Life Coach, Yoga + Meditation Teacher and Founder of Earth and Water
Explore working with me to find your voice and share your message with the world.