Setting intentions is a practice that helps you find clarity in what you wish to create. Intentions help you to direct your energy and focus towards anything you like, improving areas of your life as you wish.
As the sun paints the morning sky, we stand at the precipice of a new day, a blank canvas stretched before us. In this liminal space, a powerful practice unfolds: the setting of intentions. It’s more than a casual list of desires; it’s a spiritual alchemy, transforming the nebulous whispers of hope into potent seeds that shape the garden of our lives.
Intentions aren’t mere checklists or fleeting whims. They delve into the fertile soil of our souls, unearthing the deepest roots of our aspiration. They are the north star of our being, guiding us through the labyrinthine paths of experience. When we set an intention, we harness the potent energy of our focus, directing it like a sculptor chiseling away at the block of potential.
This isn’t a sterile act of mental manipulation; it’s a soulful communion with the universe. We plant these seeds of desire, nurtured by unwavering belief and watered by consistent action. In this dance of co-creation, we acknowledge the agency we hold, becoming partners with the universe in shaping our lives.
But the magic of intentions lies not just in their guidance, but in their generative power. Each one whispers a mantra throughout our day, reminding us of the path we’ve chosen, the symphony we wish to play. They offer a silent anchor amidst the cacophony of external stimuli, ensuring our actions resonate with the deepest chords of our being.
Intentions, then, are the architects of our internal landscape. They cultivate a life of authenticity, where our external actions mirror the blossoming garden within. They become the bridge between desire and manifestation, transforming dreams into tangible realities.
This art of intentional living isn’t without its challenges. Doubt may sprout like weeds, threatening to choke the delicate seedlings of our hopes. Distractions, like wayward butterflies, can lure us off course. But within lies the remedy: unwavering commitment. Each time we cultivate our intentions, we strengthen their roots, sending them deeper into the fertile ground of our being.
Remember, the universe whispers back. As we align our actions with our intentions, we open ourselves to serendipity, synchronicity, and a sense of cosmic alignment. We become active participants in the unfolding tapestry of existence, not passive passengers swept along by the currents of chance.
So, let your intentions be the guiding whispers of your soul. Plant them with reverence, nurture them with focus, and witness the breathtaking unfolding of your own personal Eden. For in this intentional dance with the universe, we discover the profound truth – we are not just passengers, but the gardeners of our own lives.
Embrace the art of intentional living, and watch as your desires, nurtured by the power of your being, blossom into a life teeming with purpose, meaning, and the fragrant richness of authentic creation.
Your thoughts become your words and your words become your actions and your actions create your reality.
Slip it in into your routine
Setting intentions is like raising a lantern in your mind, casting light on what you want to create throughout the day. No more drifting or reacting – this is about actively choosing your focus.
Think of it like tuning a radio. Each intention is a station, dialed-in to a specific frequency: kindness, courage, creativity, whatever resonates with your soul. Throughout the day, that station plays in the background, guiding your decisions and actions. No more autopilot, you’re the conscious DJ, spinning the soundtrack of your own day.
It’s simple, yet powerful. Just a few minutes in the morning to set your inner compass, and suddenly, your day feels more purposeful, more aligned with your deepest desires. It’s a subtle shift, but it makes all the difference – from scattered to centered, from reactive to intentional.
So, step into the dawn, raise your lantern of intention, and watch your day unfold with a newfound clarity and purpose. It’s your masterpiece, ready to be painted with the vibrant hues of your chosen focus.
Make the practice your own
Each intention is a reflection upon what you would like to focus on each day.
- Listen to your heart: Crave creativity? Balance? Peace? These whispers are your seeds of intention.
- Filter with values: Ask, “What guides me?” Let kindness, integrity, or any guiding star filter your choices.
- Get specific: Ditch “be productive” for “write two amazing paragraphs.” Tiny, achievable steps fuel your fire.
- Follow your gut: A walk in nature? A quiet meditation? Sometimes, small acts hold huge intentions.
- Start small, dream big: Don’t overwhelm yourself. Tiny steps like “savor each bite” lead to mindful days.
- Flow with the day: Life’s a river, not a dam. Be open to adjusting your intentions as the day dances on.
- Practice makes perfect: Some days are clear, others muddy. It’s okay! Each attempt strengthens your inner compass.

Hum your desires, choose your notes, and let your day unfold like a beautiful song. Remember, you’re the composer, and your intentions are the melody that leads you closer to the life you truly desire. Now go forth, maestro, and create your masterpiece!
It is a practice. Which means it will always be fine tuning and evolving with you as you continue to grow. Don’t force things but instead allow them to come or not as they please. Sometimes your intention is just that you figure out your intentions.
I set intentions to grow myself, to be better, to do things or to help people. You can literally set an intention for anything you wish as long as it aligns with the highest good. You can’t go around intending anything bad.
5 steps to setting Intentions
You simply state “I intend” and then fill in the blank.
It doesn’t have to be a grand gesture. It can be simple like “I intend that I mow the lawn today”, “I intend that I have a new chair” or even “I intend that today is a wonderful day!”. The possibilities are only limited to your imagination and desires.
Step 1: Figure out what it is you want.
You have to know exactly what it is you want to manifest. It can be general but not vague. You have to know what it is you’re trying to accomplish before you can ask it of the universe. If you’re confused or unclear, the manifestation will be as well.
This can be the hardest part. Know that you don’t have to name it or know what you want with your life fully. Focus on the emotions you want. That’s plenty for now.
Step 2: Set the vibrations
Your intentions have to be in alignment with the highest good. As well as in alignment with what you truly wish to come into being. You have to feel good about the intentions that you set and they have to make you happy.
Step 3: Speak it into existence in the proper tense
You should speak it into the present tense of being. This means leaving out the “to be” which leaves it in a state of postponed existence. You want it to come into being now, not in the future. If you leave it in a perpetual state of coming into being, it may either never land in the now or take a really long time. We don’t want that. (I have a hard time remembering this one, but practice makes progress)
Step 4: Leave it alone
Once you’ve stated your intentions, leave them be. Trust the process and that the universe is taking care of it. If you worry over or doubt it, you’ll be changing the vibrations of it. It’s the law of attraction so like attracts like. Allow it to flow to you as it naturally does and should.
Step 5: Practice
To get the most out of it, you should practice making intentions regularly. Make them for everything. But most importantly, make them when you go to bed and when you wake up. There is, of course, no one size fits all to intending. Do what feels right for you. Do what fits into your life.
You can do, have or be anything that you wish. It’s just a matter of deciding what you want and taking small steps forward in making it a reality. Things manifest where energy is focused and intending upon something focuses energy in that direction.
Maybe setting an intention could be your first small baby step in deciding to be or have what it is you’ve been wanting. There are no rules. You should do what jives with you. What feels right and helps you through or towards what it is you wish.
Everything you dream of can be accomplished. It all starts with making the intention to believe you can.
I would love to know what your intentions are.
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S.S.Blake; Yoga + Meditation Teacher and Founder of Earth and Water