We’re all a product of the patterns we’ve accumulated over our lifetime. Some of these patterns are positive and beneficial, helping us to grow and thrive. However, there can also be patterns that are detrimental to our well-being. It’s interesting to note that these unhealthy patterns often tend to stick with us more strongly than the positive ones.
These patterns, both good and bad, are not usually something we create on our own. Rather, they are most often passed down to us by those who have influenced our lives. Whether it’s our parents, teachers, or other significant figures, we absorb their beliefs, behaviors, and outlook on life.
Sometimes, we may not even be aware of the patterns that are holding us back or preventing us from reaching our full potential. However, deep down, most of us possess an innate understanding of what we should or shouldn’t be doing in order to make the progress we desire.
Breaking free from these ingrained patterns can be challenging. It requires self-reflection, awareness, and a commitment to personal growth. Recognizing the negative patterns and consciously working to replace them with positive ones is a transformative journey.
By identifying the unhealthy patterns that shape our thoughts, actions, and emotions, we can begin to untangle ourselves from their grip and forge a new path. This involves seeking support, whether through therapy, self-help resources, or the guidance of mentors who can provide objective insights and help us navigate the process of change.
With determination, patience, and a willingness to learn from our past experiences, we can rewrite the patterns that no longer serve us. As we embrace new beliefs, behaviors, and habits, we open the door to personal growth and a brighter future.
Remember, we have the power to break free from the patterns that hold us back and create new ones that align with our aspirations. It may not always be easy, but the journey towards self-improvement is worth every step.
Identifying your unhealthy patterns is the first step in remedying them. Often times though, implementation of breaking and redirecting these patterns is the most difficult part. Luckily, we have people like Christina Smith and myself who are more than happy to help you along the way.
Beginning – 15:26
Introductions. We talk about her book turned podcast, Inviting Shift.
We all pretty well know what we’re supposed to be doing but it comes to us in stages.
- S: Stuck / Something isn’t great
- H: Honing in / Honoring
- I: “I got it!”
- F: Fear / Fortitude / Other “F” words (you know)
- T: Transformation
Humaning is hard. There’s always another level of growth. Implementation is the hard part.
Procrastination and perfectionism are best friends. Any time things get uncomfortable we tend to shut down. Confidence is a skill we have to practice. We grow in our discomfort.
Find baby steps you can implement to get you to where you want to be. Only as adults to we catch “Impostor syndrome” holding onto that childlike wonder as beginners and learners can help. We have to be okay being bad at something before we can learn to be good at it.
Just keep showing up. You’re going to mess up sometimes and that’s okay. You just need to instill that sense of integrity that you are the one who keeps showing up and trying. You can’t please everyone. One person will find a certain statement you make lifechanging and someone else will find that same statement foolish. It’s the balance.
15:26 – 25:40
The intentional and aligned method. Looking at what you want and why you want it which always comes down to feelings. We don’t want the materials we think we do. We want the feelings we think those material things are going to bring us.
Happiness isn’t a destination. It’s a series of small in the moment choices that align with our intentions and desires.
Old beliefs that hold us back from being happy right now. Our culture and society has taught us that things work one way when they can actually work anyway we want them to. Is that going to come with some consequences? Probably, there’s always ways to figure things out and work around what you need in order to get there.
25:40 – 30:22
It’s okay to want what you want even if it looks different than what everyone else wants or says you should want.
Being able to step away from consumerism and spend time in nature is a bit of a luxury these days.
Learning how to navigate and manage your emotions. Understanding what each emotion is trying to tell you. Figure out what emotions you’re desiring / craving and figure out ways to bring them into being right now.
30:22 – 41:46
Building confidence by managing disappointment within ourselves. Is it unsafe or just uncomfortable?
Discussing shame and the story telling brain.
Book Emotional Agility Get Unstuck Embrace Change and Thrive in Work and Life by Susan David (af)
Getting into the body and out of the head to calm the monkey mind.
Toxic positivity and toxic gratitude. Coping mechanisms, working through emotions and talking it out.
41:46 – End
Sensitivity is a superpower. Especially when trying to figure out your own body and what works best for it. acknowledging the emotions you’re feeling and creating space for it.
Anger management. We are our own biggest critic.
Meet Our Guest

Christina Smith is a life coach specializing in confidence and self-love in midlife so that women can finally truly like themselves and how they show up for themselves and their relationships. She’s helped people move through tough transitions in coaching and with her book, Inviting Shift. Her focus is on helping women to empower themselves so they can make their second half the best half by dropping the people-pleasing and perfection and stepping into desire, authenticity and joy.
Christina is also the host of The Inviting Shift Podcast – a place for midlife women to embrace their uniqueness and truth with confidence. The mission is to help women reinvent midlife so we can revolutionize how we see aging and ourselves as we age. She encourages people to be more gentle with their humanness so they can truly shine the way they choose to without gratitude lists or toxic positivity.
Christina loves teaching and coaching around how we live more intentional and confident lives so we can feel more joy, alignment, and ease — especially as we’re aging. She’s authentic and honest (sometimes to a fault) and she can see the wisdom beneath what is said to help beautiful humans see more clearly and empower themselves to show up the way that they want.
She talks to plants and small animals, but that’s about where the Disney princess in her ends. She’s also known to drop f-bombs to show she’s serious. Loves a binge – binge-watching or reading that is. She’s humorous and loves dangly earrings. Catch her late at night rather than first thing, she needs a minute to awaken – unless she’s out in the woods camping — then she’s probably the first one up.
Her husband has been her biggest mentor in life -relationships will do that to you if they are really good. Also known for reminding people that confidence is a skill, not a natural talent, and that everyone could just be a little more gentle with their humanness.
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Your Host
S.S.Blake; Spiritual Life Coach, Yoga + Meditation Teacher and Founder of Earth and Water

Explore working with me to find your voice and share your message with the world.