Our dreams are a doorway into our subconscious. Our higher selves trying to breach the veil and speak to us, guide us to where we need to focus.
You can find whole books on symbolism to interpret your dreams but it really doesn’t have to be complicated. Nor do I recommend taking those books and symbols for face value.
Not everything in the dream has meaning behind it. Our brains are designed to story tell so it uses all of this extra stuff to fill in the gaps and make a story of sorts.
Of course, we shouldn’t try to interpret them per their story but instead by their
- Emotions / vibrations
- Underlying themes
- Overall highlighted points
Whereas our conscious mind is bound by the perimeters of space time, our subconscious isn’t. That means the stories of our dreams may not make sense in a linear – physics as we know it type of way.
So we shouldn’t expect it to even if it seems to. They’re abstract and should be interpreted as such even if it was a well put together story.
You know in middle school Lit where you couldn’t just read the story becasue the teacher wanted you to instead look for hidden symbolisms and meanings and what the author may have meant by XYZ?
It’s like that, but arguably much easier since the messages and meanings are both written and meant for your unique ways of thinking.
Our subconscious (and/or guides) are taking the raw building blocks of how they know to communicate (energy and vibration) and attempting to relay a message in a way they hope YOU SPECIFICALLY may understand.
That means your symbolism may be different from what’s in the books. A red bird to one may mean abundance but to you specifically, who was, I dunno, chased through the house as a child by a red bird (shrug) may interpret it as fear or caution.
Anything could literally mean anything.
You get the drift. So look at what things in the dream mean to YOU when you’re interpreting.
Dream Interpretation
Dream interpretation is fun but remember the functional application that it has for our healing and progression in manifesting. It’s an extension of ourselves and the emotional guidance system that codes our existence.
Be careful not to pick up any false / limiting / harmful beliefs that may hold you back from your full potential.
You want to explore the dream with an open mind and be weary of assigning meanings to things simply because someone else said a certain aspect means XYZ.
Allow your intuition to assign the meanings and trust what it gives you.
- What emotions are present in the dream?
- To what degree? (Some may be bigger than others and thus, more important)
- What seemed important?
- Which emotions were tied to what symbols?
- What else stood out?
- Who was there?
- Were there any patterns?
Don’t take anything for face value. Our dreams are just an introspective tool for the understanding and navigation of our world.
They’re a secret language meant for you and only you. The more you practice interpreting your dreams, the easier it will be to figure out what they mean and where they’re trying to lead you.
Let’s Interpret a Dream Together:
For example, in my dream last night, I was a bystander. I was just watching everything unfold and it was like a TV show (station 19 to be exact) and the theme was 1 person was leaving his wife for another and wanting to have babies.
Most of it was meh emotionally but the babies part was emphasized. They were having multiples (like whole damn litters) and hoping for girls.
This meant to me that I’m here to help women and since my emotions were calm and peaceful, it signaled that I’m on the right track with that.
look for things that are emotionally charged to interpret your dreams. If it seems insignificant or matter of factly, it probably is.
Try to leave bias out of it. Like in my dream, a man was leaving his wife for another woman. This is obviously something many people would have emotions about in real life. In the dream though, it was just part of the story. It didn’t mean anything significant and I could feel that.
Tips for Interpreting Your Dreams
The best time to practice dream interpretation is first thing in the morning, as soon as you wake.
Try and immediately write them down and ponder them. Any sort of distraction in between waking and writing will risk fading details.
Dream interpretation is a personal art that comes with practice. Although it’s helpful to discuss with others and bounce potential meanings back and forth (especially if this person is familiar with you and your life), I don’t believe anyone can accurately interpret them as you can.
Have fun! And join us in our FB group:
- How to Navigate The Stigma of Neurodivergences and Learning Disabilities
- How to Find Energy Patterns that Alcohol is Masking so You Can Find Purpose & Fulfillment
- How Past Life Regression Can Help You Understand, Heal & Create Your Own Reality
- How to Trust Your Intuition & Give Yourself Permission to Grow & Manifest Abundance
- How to Ease the Grief Process by Normalizing Death in Our Society & Culture
S.S.Blake; Spiritual Life Coach, Yoga + Meditation Teacher and Founder of Earth and Water
Explore working with me to find your voice and share your message with the world.