Impostor syndrome is something that effects everyone who’s not egotistical and narcissistic and trying to do something out in the world. It’s important to remember that even those who have “made it” in a sense of success still deal with impostor syndrome.
It’s a good thing. Having impostor syndrome means that you actually care about other people and what you’re giving back to the world. It means you want to provide value and help others. It means you’re doing great.
Conquering impostor syndrome is not about trying to get rid of it. Just like all other things in life, it’s about navigating it and working through it despite what it may be telling you.
Getting Your Mind Right
I recommend a 1-3 minute meditation before starting any task. Especially one that requires you to perform in some way whether that be working in solitary or along side others.
If you take a moment to program your mind with what’s needed for the task at hand, you’ll be able to flow more into it without meeting that right angle flip which we discuss in the video below.
- Meditation from beginning to 9:19
- Impostor syndrome discussed from 9:19 on
We’re All People. Each and Every One of Us. No Exceptions.
We like to put people up on pedestals. Compare ourselves to that of doctors, lawyers and others who are in positions of power and influence.
The truth is though, we’re all on the same level playing field as far as worth and capabilities go. There’s no difference between those in “higher” positions and ourselves other than the type of knowledge we possess and our mindsets.
Life is just a game of who has the most confidence. Or..who is able to most successfully pretend that they have confidence. Because you don’t actually have to be confident to go through the motions and act like you are. You’ll get the same outside results either way.
Everyone’s human which means no one is perfect. Everyone makes mistakes and we’re all just a product of our own situations, circumstances and decisions.
Find Proof to Counteract Your Impostor Syndrome
Grab your notebook and go through your truth on the matter at hand. Let’s look at what your mind is telling you VS what the truth of the matter really is.
- What is your mind telling you in regards to your worth and value?
- Is it true?
- What is true on the matter?
- What is it trying to protect you from?
- What proof to the contrary can you find?
- How many books have you read on your subject?
- How long have you been practicing and studying the subject?
- Have you taken any sort of classes, online, free, paid or otherwise?
- Do other people feel as though you know your stuff?
Our minds try to protect us from the unknown. They’re like a worried, over bearing parent who wants you to take the “safe” route (which is always an illusion) instead of the path that will get you mountains of success and happiness pursuing your passion (if you do it right).
We have to learn to act despite what our minds are telling us and instead listen to what our hearts have to say. If we’re feeling pulled in a direction, it is our true path to follow it. Even if it’s scary, even if we don’t feel qualified.

Everything’s Perception
You don’t need another course or a certification to be validated in your area of expertise (unless, of course, you need it for legal purposes).
It helps to know that there are absolutely certification courses out there that are complete garbage. There are also text books that are obviously bias and opinionated. Seriously, pay attention if you haven’t already noticed. I read things all the time in books that are just…not correct.
Even college text books and what not have typos. If it’s connected to a human, it’s imperfect.
Intention is What Matters
The world needs more people with impostor syndrome sharing their knowledge and expertise. If those of us with good intentions aren’t doing our part to fight through the fear, those with less positive intentions will get up and lead the world.
This has been a problem in society. Good people staying seated and “in their lane” while people who are looking for greed and power take the stage.
We’re doing the world AND OURSELVES a great dis-service by staying silent.
As long as you’re living from the heart, with the right and good intentions, you’re doing beautifully.
Cut yourself some slack and know that the fact that you’re worrying about impostor syndrome at all means that you’re doing great and should keep pushing forward. What do you need to do to convince yourself you’re worthy and on the right track?
Join our Facebook group for daily mindset and alignment work as well as weekly Facebook lives!
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S.S.Blake; Spiritual Life Coach, Yoga + Meditation Teacher and Founder of Earth and Water
Explore working with me to find your voice and share your message with the world.