Collaboration is the magic potion of audience growth, but brewing it just right takes skill and finesse. The allure of instant reach through partnerships can be intoxicating, but before you gulp down a concoction of “me-me-me” marketing, let’s explore how to collaborate without leaving a bad taste in everyone’s mouth.
Building authentic partnerships requires a shift in your focus. Instead of viewing other brands and experts as mere stepping stones, see them as allies on a shared journey. Identify brands who complement your own, whose audiences have intersecting interests, and whose values resonate with yours. This mutual respect forms the bedrock of a collaboration that benefits everyone involved.
Remember, it’s about your collaborators and both of your audiences first and foremost. It will show if you’re in it for the wrong reasons. Ditch the one-sided deals and the thinly veiled self-promotion.
You’re an expert in your subject / art / industry, right? You could NEVER condense everything you have to offer into a single project, right? Give, give, give all you’ve got and those who get value from that will go looking for more.
This is many people’s introduction to what you have and can do. Think of it as an email newsletter opt in. Why should they care about what you have to offer? Why should they feel inclined to look into you? This is your opportunity to send a message to the entire world.
Is that message one of value, integrity, honesty and leadership or of greed, pettiness, power grabbing? Are you the people’s hero, ready to try and solve as many problems as you can in the allotted time and space? Or are you withholding information and knowledge behind a “buy now” button?
Instead, craft partnerships that offer genuine value to both your audiences. Co-create content that solves problems, sparks joy, or inspires. Design a piece of art (whatever that means for you) where your expertise blends seamlessly with your partner’s. Remember, a rising tide lifts all boats, and when you prioritize value over vanity, the audience follows, drawn to the authentic synergy you’ve brewed.
Keep the ick factor at bay by letting transparency be your compass. Disclose sponsored content clearly, avoid manipulative tactics, and prioritize genuine enthusiasm over forced hype.
Your audience deserves realness, and when you prioritize it, collaboration becomes a powerful tool for shared growth, not a cynical shortcut to fame. So, embrace the magic of collaboration, brew it with the right ingredients, and watch your audience bloom alongside you.
Be Careful of Over Booking
Collaborations flourish on fertile ground, not frantic juggling acts. While excitement to connect and create can blossom quickly, remember: you’re nurturing relationships, not just adding names to your roster.
Overscheduling yourself is the kiss of collaboration death. Instead, embrace quality over quantity. Five active conversations, nurtured with focused attention, are far more likely to bear fruit than thirty languishing in neglect.
Think of each collaboration as a unique seedling. Planting too many at once, or neglecting their individual needs, leaves them stunted and struggling. Give each partnership the time and focus it deserves. This way, you cultivate thriving collaborations, not a tangled mess of wilting dreams.
So, breathe, prioritize, and remember: quality conversations, like quality relationships, require space to grow. Find your sweet spot, where you can give each collaboration the attention it needs, and watch your network blossom with vibrant partnerships.
Keep Good Notes
Collaboration sparks magic, but keeping track of all your magical partners can feel like juggling fireflies. Don’t let lost contacts dim the shine! Whether a trusty spreadsheet, a charming notebook, or a fancy (yet elusive) CRM tool, ensure you have a system for noting down your collaborators and their contact details.
Scribble down names, roles, and preferred communication channels (carrier pigeon, anyone?). This simple act of note-taking keeps your network vibrant, allowing you to easily reconnect for future collaborative sparks. No need for digital wizardry when a pen and paper (or app, if you find the perfect one) can weave a web of connection and keep your collaborations thriving.
Things to keep notes on:
- Their name
- Email or how to get in touch with them
- A link or 2, usually their website and Instagram
- What they do / who they serve
You want to make sure you send all links and graphics to your collaborators when applicable. When your project is published and goes live, you need to be able to let them know so that they can get it in front of their audiences.
That goes both ways as well. If you participate in creating content on their platform, be sure to share it to your audience just like you would something on your own platform.
Pitching Collaborations
Pitching a business or brand to collaborate with should be simple and short. First you need to know exactly who you serve, what your goal is and how you want the collaboration to meet that goal.
Talk to THEM. Don’t make a generic, one size fits all email or you’re going to come off as spammy and they’ll probably just delete it. The first thing we’re looking for when we open an email is something that pertains specifically to us so we know it’s legit.
Craft a precise email that explains who you are and what you can bring to the table. Briefly outline your vision for the partnership. Do you have a specific project in mind? Or are you open to brainstorming together? Remember, brevity is key. Stick to 1-3 short paragraphs that pique their interest, without drowning them in details.
Find Others to Collaborate With
There is an endless stream of collaborators out there for you to work with. You can individually search certain topics, find the experts creating content on these topics and pitch them or you can join collaboration networks where all sorts of opportunities in various subjects congregate.
When searching individual topics and brands, you’ll usually find their email address or a contact form on their website. Some specifically set up a collaboration or contact page. Others don’t make it quite as easy but if you can, always opt for an email over a DM on their social accounts. Many experts, especially as they grow, don’t have the time or capacity to check their DMs.
Collaboration networks can be found in Facebook groups and Reddit. Just search variations of “collaborate”, “Collab” and the like. They’re pretty easy to find and can even be specified by collaboration choice like the one’s I’m in:
- Podcast Guest Collaboration Community – Find a Guest, Be a Guest
- No Rules Podcast Group – Post Anything You Want
- Podcast Guest Experts
- Guest Podcasting Club
Obviously, these are podcast specific. If you’re not into podcasts, though, guest blogging groups and others can be found. Usually these groups allow you to make a post explaining what you’re looking for and people will reach out to you, making things easier.
Don’t Be Afraid to Be Extra
Always be thinking of the others involved in your collaborations. Your audience, your partners and their audience.
- How can you bring more value?
- How can you help more?
- How can you give more?
- How can you make someone smile?
Always stay in that heart centered, brain coherence place of mind and don’t ever, ever, ever be afraid to give everything away. Abundance mindset always.
A gift at the end of the collaboration is always a good idea too. I’ve had people send me stickers, cards, ebooks and all sorts of things as a thank you. Be thinking of what you could do as a final thank you to your collaboration partners.
- 6:00 – Step 1 / most important step is:
- to know exactly what your goals are with building your online presence. What is your goal? What are you trying to accomplish?
- 7:25 – What is a collaboration exactly?
- 7:35 – What are some options and examples of collaborations? (link for google spreadsheet here)
- 12:15 – Prequalifying your collaboration partners
- 17:20 – Proper mindset going into collaborate
- Abundance mindset at all times. There’s enough audience for everyone.
- 22:22 – Make sure everything is mutually beneficial
- Always be thinking of the other person, their audience and your audience. Bring value, value and more value.
- 23:22 – Collaboration Etiquette
- Respect other’s time.
- Act responsibly and pull your weight.
- Think twice before rescheduling.
- Know the difference between collaboration partners and audience / potential clients.
- Use forms sparingly.
- Don’t add your collaboration partners to your email lists without permission.
- 28:55 – Be the leader of your own collaborations
- Reporters don’t ask their interviewees to come up with their own interview questions and neither should you. Plan ahead and / or stay generic.
- 36:09 – How to pitch your collaborations
- 39:25 – Keep good notes on your collaborators and your joint ventures
Happy collaborating! And here’s the link to collaborate with me.
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S.S.Blake; Spiritual Life Coach, Yoga + Meditation Teacher and Founder of Earth and Water
Explore working with me to find your voice and share your message with the world.