Everyone wants to change the world.
But everyone thinks doing so calls for something radical.
What does activism mean to you?
Chances are you imagine picket lines and people marching with signs. The term “tree-hugger” might come to mind or from what has been in the news these days, riots and looting.
People think of activism as going to extreme measures for a cause. They see it as either donating a ton of money or spending a ton of time in the field making yourself known or standing in a soup kitchen. These are ways of supporting a cause you believe in, but most definitely not the only ways and quite possibly not even the most effective.
I heard someone make a good point today. They said that activism was defined by taking action to support something you believe in.
They said that every action you take on a daily basis is supporting someone or something and that makes you an activist.
Every action you take. Wow. Like what?
- What you buy
- Where you shop
- Where you eat
- What you eat
- Your daily routine
- Everything you use
- Everything you watch
Every time you spend money, use a product, eat or drink anything you’re showing those companies that you support what they stand for and what they’re doing.
The actual definition of activism is trying to bring about a political or social change. Everything is always changing anyway.
What you do on a regular basis promotes change in one direction or another.
Everyone believes they don’t matter. That they’re just one person and just one person can’t change anything. The problem lies with the fact that too many people believe this, and in turn, are collectively rallying against those of us trying to change things for the better without even realizing it.
They know they shouldn’t buy or eat that brand of cereal because of the harmful chemicals and whatnots that it’s made with. They know that the company overworks their workers with mediocre pay but they think, “What’s my one box against the millions other people are buying? My one box wont make a bit of difference.”
Unfortunately, this is what everyone thinks which is where the problem is created. One person’s just one box? probably not. Five thousand people’s just one box? Definitely. Don’t let your just one box add to the problem.
What is the cost? Really?
The biggest problem I encounter with people’s daily activism habits is money. Everyone says supporting the cause is expensive.
“Organic food cost so much more than regular food.”
Ok, first of all, the problem here is that GMO food is considered “regular” food where as food that was produced as the good lord intended is not. Insert confused expression here.
Second of all, GMO food is cheaper because there’s more of it. There’s more of it because…
- The government subsidizes it.
- It’s genetically modified to withstand drought
- It’s genetically modified to survive weed killer’s (but still soaking up that poison! Yum!)
- It’s sprayed with all sorts of chemicals (which it absorbs just like you absorb stuff through your skin)
- We don’t know if it’s safe
So, how do we make organic food more affordable?
- Petition the government to subsidize it
- Eat it
- Buy it
- Insist upon it
- Petition more research on GMOs
- Refuse the other stuff
Businesses do what is profitable. That’s it. If people are buying and insisting upon natural, organic, non-chemically infused produce. That’s what they’ll put efforts into making better.
If people are refusing the cancer-corn, and it’s going to waste instead of making them money, they’ll ditch it for something more profitable. It’s a simple algorithm.
I’m just one person, what can I do?
Start Locally to Change the World
What problems does your community face? Solve them. You can start a petition, a go fund me or write letters to your representatives you can do something to help.
Or you can just shop locally. Get all of your products and services from mom and pop type places in your area. Why give even more money to multimillion dollar industries when you can give it to hard working families who have poured their all into a little shop or café?
Help them give their kids a good life. Not a CEO another beach house.
Make Small Changes to Change the World
You don’t have to suddenly drop everything your doing and change. In fact, don’t. You’ll never keep it up that way.
Instead, pick one thing and change that. Once you get use to it, change something else. Slowly but surely you’ll eventually phase out everything bad and be left with only the good.
I use reusable shopping bags every time I leave the house. Try that. They’re actually super handy because you can carry more at a time, which means less trips back and forth from the car and you don’t have to worry about them breaking.
Yay for saving plastic.
Question Everything to Change the World
People (my husband) tell me all the time that if it wasn’t good for us, they wouldn’t be allowed to give it to us.
I am so sorry to tell you that this is not at all accurate.
The truth of the matter is, we don’t know everything. Chemicals thought 50, 30, 10 years ago to be safe are now being found to be very dangerous.
We like to hold scientists, doctors and politicians to higher standards because of their titles, and no doubt they are amongst our brightest, but they are still just people like you and me. They’re not perfect.
Dare to be Different to Change the World
Doing what is morally and ethically right wont always make you friends. In fact, I’ve found people to think of it as crazy or obsessive. Insert confused look here
People don’t like change or different approaches to how they do things. Which is a big reason why we have all the problems we have in the world.
Believe in your Ability to make a Difference
Everything’s a mindset. You are what you believe. What you believe creates your reality. If you believe you can do something, you can. If you believe you can help change the world, you will!
Don’t Complain, Take Action to Change the World
People complain about things all the time. Use theirs and your complaints as starting points in making a change.
Don’t like something about a product or a company? Start a petition or find one that’s already going around and tack your name to it and share it around social media. It’s easy. I promise. #SaveSomethingSunday
If everyone just sits around complaining about the problem and never does anything to solve the problem, the problem will forever linger and never get any better.
Stick to your Morals to Change the World
This is a fantastic way to be the good in the world. Only buy, consume and use things that are made by people that support your beliefs in ways that support your beliefs.
I am completely aware that you can not thoroughly research every company that makes every product you buy (I’ve tried). You can however start small. “This company makes a lot of stuff in my kitchen, let’s check them out”
Or, “I think I would like to start using some essential oils, let me research a couple of companies before I make a decision on a brand to buy.” You get the idea.
Write letters to Change the World
Write letters to your representatives about causes and opinions you support. They love to know your input and need it to make decisions for you.
Write letters to companies about things you don’t support or suggestions on how they could improve upon something. (I feel that we could do away with the cardboard in the center of paper towels and toilet paper for example)
Sign petitions to Change the World
There are tons of them out there. Some of my favorite places to find some are:
Only Support Things You Thoroughly Know About
You don’t want to accidentally support something you don’t agree with because the headline said “Organic food is expensive” and the petition was for making GMOs the norm to save money.
You also don’t want to sign a petition about changing our government model to communism if you don’t know anything about communism. You get it, you’re smart. Support what you know.
Only Support Things from Reliable Sources
What I mean is, if I post a petition I signed you can pretty well bet it came from a source that I know believes in the same things I do. I don’t share things unless I know them to be factual. There’s enough misinformation out there without me adding to it.
Write Reviews to Change the World
Writing reviews on products or companies you’ve had experience with shows them where they need improving. They love the feedback, trust me.
Boycott a Place or Product to Change the World
Everyone knows how this one works, don’t buy something from someone that’s doing something you don’t believe in.
Acts of Kindness to Change the World
Excuse me while I once again quote one of my favourites, *clears throat*
“How do you change the world? One small act of random kindness at a time.”
-Morgan Freeman
- Hold the door open for someone.
- Help someone carry their groceries.
- Smile at people.
- Be an overall nice person. It’s not hard.
- Compliment folks
- Listen to people when they talk
- Lead by example
Make Conscience Decisions to Change the World
When you buy something or consume something, when you choose a place to shop or eat, think about what it took to make that product or that sandwich. Does every bit of the process it took to make that product make you happy? If not, you should probably find an alternative.
I created this hashtag for all of the things I do to help support a cause I agree with. You can always go to it and help support these things too. I do most of everything through Change.org . It takes about 30 seconds to sign a petition through them the first time you do it and about 3 seconds every time after that.
I chose Sunday in hopes that people may be feeling more generous on Sundays. Feel free to add to it, in fact, please do!
Best Vibes Always, S.S.Blake
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S.S.Blake; Confidence Coach, Yoga + Meditation Teacher and Founder of Earth and Water
Explore working with me to find your voice and share your message with the world.
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RT @Vannasana: How to #ChangetheWorld and #makeadifference #bethegood https://t.co/bJYv6i2Kb5 @RT_Bloggers @FemaleBloggerRT https://t.co/ic…
RT @Vannasana: How to #ChangetheWorld and #makeadifference #bethegood https://t.co/bJYv6i2Kb5 @RT_Bloggers @FemaleBloggerRT https://t.co/ic…