Unrealistic Realism
It’s incredibly difficult to accomplish our goals without a support team. Heck, it’s incredibly difficult to even formulate any goals without a support team.
When you feel like no one believes in you or your ambitions, it’s easy to lose yourself in the sea of negativity when everyone makes you believe your an unrealistic dreamer with unimportant ideas.
I am very familiar with the disappointment of being excited about an idea or plan and finding only people who would rather knock you off your pedestal instead of support you.
Don’t get me wrong, not everyone in my life are negative nancies who would rather continue their “realistic” lives (not that there is anything wrong with being normal. If that’s what you strive for, I wish you everything you desire), instead of doing anything significant (again, if this is your wish in life, more power to you) with their lives aside from existing.
The truth is, people are so conditioned to shoot for “realistic” goals in life that anything without a path laid out in front of them, they see as unattainable. If it’s not what most people do, it’s suddenly “unrealistic”.
Everyone use to be so brave and beat their own paths.
Support is Relative
As for the ones that are seemingly supportive, they generally don’t really know how to help you aside from listening as you excitedly spew out details of how you have finally found your purpose in life and how it’s going to change your life and their life and everyone’s lives!
How your going to make such a difference to at least some sort of whole percentage of the world and essentially make yourself a billionaire while doing what you love, changing the world and helping everyone in the process!
Then, when you finish exclaiming your plans (In quite possibly a slightly overenthusiastic tone that probably didn’t help your “I’m not crazy” plea), they pause, smiling. You can see the confusion and concern in their face that you may have become delusional and might need to lie down.
They look at you, trying to gauge your seriousness, thinking to themselves how they thought you would eventually grow out of being such a dreamer, and calmly reply with a “that’s nice honey” or a “okay, yeah, sure.”
Don’t blame them. Any of them. It’s not their fault they’re simpletons, and it’s certainly nothing anyone should be disgruntled about. The world needs normaltons so that we-who-fit-into-no-box may be allowed to soar through life above and beyond what is expected and reach our full potential on the other side of greatness.
Accept them as they are and affectionately accept what they’re capable of giving, for it’s all they know to do.
The blatantly unsupportive ones are not at fault either. Life has conditioned them to believe one way or another and they were never fortunate enough to be told they can do whatever they want as long as they set their minds to it.
a support team is the most important thing (aside from vision and belief in yourself) that you need when it comes to achieving your goals, WHATEVER they may be.
How to Be Your Own Super Hero
1. Find others with similar goals
Thank goodness for the interweb. Without it I know I would never be where I am. There are tons of places you can find people to encourage you and help you achieve anything you want to achieve on your own. You can basically google anything you want and come up with SOMEONE.
- Search Facebook groups. Join them, participate in conversations. I’ve found strangers are the best types of friends at times because they have no agenda generally except to help. Ask questions. You have to ask them to have them answered, and you need them answered. Don’t be afraid. If you can’t find a facebook group for your needs, make one. (I’ve done this
twice. Thrice.) People will find you. - Look for blogs about what your interested in. There are blogs about EVERYTHING. Sign up for the emails. SUBSCRIBE. Make these people your best friends. Talk to them (Ahem). Share your goals with them. (Cough cough) In the comments below ⇓
- Twitter is also great for connecting with folks. Tweet me. @Earthand_Water I’ll support you.
Pretty much all social media is going to connect you with people that have similar beliefs, goals, or ideas. Whatever you need to talk about, learn or discuss.
2. Shun the non-believers
That’s probably a little extreme. Remember, it’s not their fault. However, the last thing you need is their negativity raining down on you when your doing all you can to stand strong on your own.
Being your own superhero is tough work. It requires intense focus and concentration and their negative vibes are only going to hold you back and make things harder on you.
So be polite, converse with them when appropriate, even be their friend if that’s what they need you to be. Just don’t get comfy and always focus on the goal. The goal is to succeed at your dreams.
Ask yourself, “Are they helping you or hurting you?” If they’re anything besides helping, limit your exposure. This includes, but is not limited to:
- Don’t tell them your plans. They think your priorities are mismatched anyway and had it their way, they would have you conforming in line with the rest of society and you would never find your path to greatness.
- Don’t invite them over. Their negativity will only set you back and your going to either find yourself wanting to implode from not expressing your excitement or have your feelings hurt in some form.
- Don’t expect anything. Expectations only lead to disappointments. Instead, strive for mile markers in improvement. Set small goals that, all smushed together, achieve your main goal. (You can take this point with both other people and yourself)
- Don’t ask for their help. If you know they don’t approve (or understand) just don’t ask them to do anything that pertains to your dreams. Even if they do decide to help, they’re either not going to put forth their entire effort, or they’re attitude about the whole situation is just going to stress you out. Stress kills. You don’t need them inadvertently trying to kill you. Death delays achievement.
3. Don’t Stop Believing
It’s hard, I know. You find yourself thinking, “Maybe they’re right” or “Maybe I AM crazy”. Well I’m here to tell you they are not! And you might be but that’s not necessarily a bad thing. “All the best people are”, Right?
So you go out there and you be the good kind of crazy that’s going to do something wonderful for you and this planet! Do it to show them that great things are possible for just one persons to accomplish.
This world is filled with just one persons that went out and made a whole lot of difference. Started at the bottom now I’m here.
I’m going to write a book about just one persons and all the difference they made just by believing in themselves. Everything is started from just one person believing in an idea. So never give up on yourself!
Tap into your inner Super Hero!
4. Brain Storm
It’s a whole lot easier to believe and succeed when you have some kind of path to follow. Brain storm on what would help you achieve your goals.
You don’t have to worry about paving a road just yet. I wouldn’t even for real worry about gravel. Gravel can get expensive. Starting small is the best way not to get overwhelmed.
So throw some stepping stones out. Jump on them and see if the grounds stable there. See if you like that colour stone. You can always move them around and paint them until you find what fits best for you and your goals.

5. Remember to Breathe
It’s okay. Having to be your own support team is no ones fault, and it is certainly nothing you’ve done wrong. They can’t help it. Everyone’s mindsets are different and you just lucked up and got thrown onto the opposite side of the spectrum of those around you. It happens.
Don’t let it get you all hot and bothered or let it hurt your feelings. Instead, close your eyes and breathe. This part is always the hardest for me. I always let it get to me and gnaw at my soul a little before I drive it out and decide not to let it hurt me.
Achieving goals that are above and beyond what is expected is stressful. I’m so incredibly proud of you for striving for greatness! Don’t forget to manage your stress. Remember, stress kills! So Breathe. Meditate. Yoga. Smile and be that just one person that made all that difference.
Best Vibes Always, S.S.Blake
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S.S.Blake; Spiritual Life Coach, Yoga + Meditation Teacher and Founder of Earth and Water
Explore working with me to find your voice and share your message with the world.

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How to be your own superhero! Be your own support team! #empowerment #support #Dreambig #succeed http://t.co/btvYqoiVRy
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RT @Vannasana: be your own superhero!@theblogguidert @ukblog_rt @femalebloggerrt @lbloggerschat #empowerment #Dreambig #succeed http://t.c…
RT @Vannasana: be your own superhero!@theblogguidert @ukblog_rt @femalebloggerrt @lbloggerschat #empowerment #Dreambig #succeed http://t.c…
This article is fire!
Are you a Life Coach? If not, you really should be.
I found you on Reddit…..your article is the one above mine.
I will Tweet this to my account right now and follow you on Twitter so I don’t miss anything.
I hope you are planning to write more success articles.
Can’t wait to read more from you!
Steve Miller
Thank you! I’m only just getting started but that’s definitely the direction I’m heading! Your article was on point as well! The key to success is motivation and the key to motivation is to find what you want and continuously strive to acquire it! Wonderful! I couldn’t agree more!
How to be Your Own Support Team http://t.co/xLwjNs5UDc
How to be Your Own Support Team http://t.co/G5x9goCV2x
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