This lunar cycle starts with a Leo new moon! It’s extra powerful this go around because the Leo season starts as well. We also have a Leo solar eclipse this month! The lion is fierce this August which means Leo focused intentions are gonna be on fire! (Get it? Cause Leo’s a fire sign. haha)
Let’s take a look at what Leo stands for:

- Planet: Sun
- Element: Fire
- House: 5th (Pleasure)
We can use these energies to work on a multitude of different things.
Take a few minutes to close your eyes and breathe. Center your consciousness into your heart and allow your mind to be still and quiet. We’re not searching or forcing the thoughts but allowing them to come to us. Inviting them in. Focus your energy toward the happiness and passion in your life.
- Is there an something that you’ve been wanting to do but haven’t out of fear?
- Is there a leadership role that needs you to step up into?
- Do you need to work on your confidence or self esteem?
- Is there a leap you need to take?
- An area that could use some more attention?

Now is the time to set intentions to do the things that you have trouble finding the courage to do. Cut ties with all fears. Embrace the spirit of the lion and invite it’s strong and courageous essence into your life to help you overcome all that you need to succeed.
Go ahead and set yours while this is fresh on your mind and connected to your soul. You can see mine at the bottom but first I have to reflect on last month’s intentions.
Reflection helps you to see your progress, it keeps us motivated and in alignment with that which we’re trying to accomplish. Without it, we’re prone to getting distracted and discouraged.
July’s Intentions
I intend that my patience, ambition and self motivation out weigh the hormones that have me acting not myself.
Well, with some meditation and self control, everything went about as smoothly as can be expected. It’s been a continuous adjustment period and I believe we’ve come out the other end pretty well. All we can ever do is the best we can and what will happen, will happen.
I intend that our beach trip is peaceful, harmonious, fun, fulfilling and only positive.
I’m just not gonna answer this one. Haha, the new brand name, Earth and Water, came out of it. That’s positive.
I intend that I get all perfect and wonderful marks at all of my upcoming appointments.
I did in all the important areas. I did find out that I have a crack in a tooth, but it’s currently nothing to be concerned about. Overall, everything went great! Let’s extend that intention to last the next few (like 7) months.
I intend that I put together some more freebies for you guys.
I did!

I intend that I get some cleaning and organizing done around the house.
I cleaned out all of my dresser drawers and finally got the upstairs under control. It’s nothing where I’d like it still but hey, progress is progress and a little at a time gets the job done.
I intend that I simply work on more edits and refinements.
Sorta didn’t do much on this, however the areas I did get this done with were pretty drastic. Like, the name of everything changed from Vannasana to Earth and Water. That’s pretty extreme. Forever fine tuning.
My family and I are provided for abundantly and excessively.
August’s Intentions
- I intend that I live life to my own standards without fear of other’s opinions.
- I intend that I express myself fully and confidently in every situation.
- I intend that I focus on big and bold business moves.
- I intend that I provide my family with everything that they need.
- I intend that I have all the strength I need, both mental and physical, to accomplish all that I desire.
- I intend that I create wonderful and inspiring things.
I have the power to create my ideal life.

Drop your intentions in the comments below! There’s power in other’s reading them!
Best Vibes Always, S.S.Blake
P.S. If you need any support in achieving and succeeding in powerful confidence, message me. Let’s talk about it.
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S.S.Blake; Spiritual Life Coach, Yoga + Meditation Teacher and Founder of Earth and Water
Explore working with me to find your voice and share your message with the world.