Alright! So you’ve got ambition. You have the drive for success in anything you choose and make your dreams come true! Great! It’s just…where do you start?
Well, first you have to know where you’re going and how to get there. The end goal is easy, it’s where you want to end up. The path there isn’t always as simple though.
Never fear! I am here to help! Savannah to the rescue! Ehm, excuse my excitement. Anyhow, there’s a trick to it all.
The best way to figure out your path is not to think about it too hard. What? That sounds counterproductive.
And yet, it’s true. Instead of stressing over what you’re doing to get ahead, you need to relax and trust that you’ll figure it out. A little secret for you, no one really knows what they’re doing. Everyone is more or less free falling through life with only a vague since of direction.
What’s the difference between successful people and not-so-successful people? Besides drive and ambition, it’s how they live their lives. Wait a second, um..duh? Give me a moment to explain.
They take care of themselves, mind, body and soul. It is all connected. One can not function properly without the other two being fully operational. The mind can not think and create properly if it is distracted by how the body feels. The body can not function properly without the mind telling it how to stay healthy. The soul can not reach it’s full potential and completeness if the mind and body are lacking in efficiency.
We could go on and on with the connections of these three, but that’s a whole nother blog post. I’ll write a book later. So, to start the road to success you have to get your mind, body and soul in flow with one another.
How does one accomplish this? Glad you asked!
Eat Healthily.
Woah. Shocker, right? You are what you eat, correct? So if you eat junk, your body is full of junk. You can’t expect your bath tub to drain properly if it’s clogged up with hair and gunk, can you? Same thing with your body. I know it’s easier to hit a drive through or grab a bag of chips. Trust me, I loathe cooking, but there are tons of quick and easy healthy things you can grab on the go. For example, an apple.
- You can set aside one day to prepare your meals for the whole week. This makes it super easy to eat right because all you have to do is grab something and heat it up.
- Read labels. Sugar is bad. Protein is good. If you can’t pronounce it, you probably shouldn’t eat it.
A good rule of thumb is, if it doesn’t go bad, you probably shouldn’t eat it. If it comes out of the ground or off of a plant, you should. It’s really rather simple. If you need any help, hit me up! It’s what I’m here for.
It’s just the initial transitioning that seems difficult, because it’s different and not what you’re use to. Start small. Make little changes at a time and before you know it your whole diet will be pristine! You’ll feel great and your hair and nails and skin will glow and you’ll be so happy you did it! It’s a marathon, no need to rush.

Yep, there’s another one you probably haven’t heard before. So original, aren’t I? There are tons of easy ways to do this too, though! You don’t have to buy an expensive gym membership or equipment and work out for an hour everyday. Frankly, us normal folks don’t have time for that anyway.
- Go for a walk. Twenty to thirty minutes of walking a day is great exercise! This can also be incredibly passive because you can fit it in simply. You’ve all heard the hacks of parking a little farther from the door, taking the stairs instead of the elevator. Or just walk down your road. That’s what I do, but I live on an old gravel back road with very little traffic too. Find what works best for you.
- Yoga. This is my personal favourite, and you know how I got started? I found an article through Pinterest one day about three years ago that headlined “how to work out if you’re lazy”. All yoga is, is fancy stretching. Sit your butt in the floor while you watch your kids or TV or a movie and stretch. Stand and stretch while doing these things. Touch your toes. It’s really very simple and there isn’t an excuse not to do this.
- Youtube! No matter what kind of exercise you want to get into, youtube can help you find a routine.
The biggest excuse I hear about getting healthy is “I don’t have time.” I’m here to say poppycock! Since I’m nice enough not to argue with you to your face because you have to want to change if I’m going to be able to help you.
Your health should take priority over most things. Do you really want to end up bedridden later in life? Or in a wheel chair, forcing your children and grandchildren to take care of you simply because you were too stubborn to eat some celery or because you didn’t want to trade out that thirty minutes of scrolling on your phone for a walk?
If I end up unable to take care of myself later on in life it’s going to be through no fault of my own. You can trust that.
Find something to believe in.
Whatever floats your boat. I firmly believe that you have the right to believe in anything you want to believe. However, I would urge you to believe in SOMETHING. Whatever that may be, if you’re undecided or lost about where your beliefs lie, you need to focus a little more in trying to discover them.
You can not expect to succeed in life if you don’t know what you believe in. If you are unsure of your spiritual self, you are unsure of your world.
If you are unsure of your world, you will second guess everything you do which is not only counterproductive in your path, but also in your confidence. One must find themselves in something before they can find their path or they will forever stay lost.
- Research. Pick a religion and see if it’s for you. If it’s not, move on to another. Check it out.
- Talk to people who are passionate about their beliefs. They will be more than happy to help you figure things out.
- Check out Mindvalley. It’s a school for the soul in which I, myself, am currently enrolled in. They release a new course each month aimed at helping you discover your spirituality.
I don’t care what you believe in. Just please, find something to believe in. I spent nearly 23 years unsure of myself. The moment I discovered what I consider the truth, everything else fell into place.
Let’s take a second to help your friends out. They want to succeed too. Click the image below to tweet!
Be true.
You can’t expect anyone else to take you seriously and help you on your journey if you’re not transparent with them.
And trust me, you need people. Sorry, you do.
Finding the right people makes your path easier to see and your goals easier to reach. Finding the RIGHT people also isn’t very difficult if you know how to be true. To yourself and to them.
- Be honest.
- Let your thoughts be known. Let your feelings out. Don’t bottle anything up. Nothing is going to get better unless you let everything out into the world. Tell someone. Post your thoughts or start a blog or a diary. Whatever works for you. Get them out.
- Respond. To everything. If you see or hear something and a thought pops in your head, say it. This can be a little dangerous but hey, if your cool with the repercussions of negativities and that’s your thing, go with it. However everything works best when exercised with positivity. If someone says something to you, respond. Even if it’s “can’t talk” or “nope”. Just be honest. Whatever you feel, go with it.
- Don’t be flaky.
- Oh my gosh. I can not stress this one enough. You are never going to get anywhere with anything or anyone if you are flaky. If you say your going to do something, do it. If something comes up and you can’t, let someone know. If you don’t want to do something say “I don’t want to.” Follow through and you’ll appear true.
- Be consistent.
- If you’re not, you’re just going to confuse people. If you confuse people, they’re not going to mess with you.
It takes a long time to build someone’s trust but only a moment to destroy it and never get it back. The smallest thing can lose someone’s trust in you.
Something as simple as being late can make someone see you as someone they don’t want to put faith in. You want to show people that they’re important enough to you that you put forth an effort with them so they’ll give you a chance.
People who are positive have more positive things happen to them. You know, law of attraction and all.
- Ditch the negative.
- Change the way you think by changing the way you speak. Avoid words like “can’t” or “don’t”. Instead use “will” or “can”.
- Count your blessings instead of your misfortunes. Cliché, I know, but so true. When you count all of the good things in your life, you start to see how few bad things you really have. This allows you to actually appreciate what you have which leads you to becoming a happier person.
No one likes a negative nancy. People want to be around people who are happy and positive because happy and positive people make them feel happy and positive.
There you have it! My tips on how to find your road to success. These points are just the beginning. You have to start small to make lasting changes.
Rome wasn’t built in a day.
You have to lay a foundation upon which to build your castle. We’re not interested in quick fixes, because they don’t work. Lifestyle changes do. Together we can build an empire!
If you’re ready to change your life and could use some guidance, check out my coaching program.
Other Articles You May Enjoy:
- How to stick to your goals
- Affirmations and intentions for success
- Building your brand
- Creating an Abundance Jar


S.S.Blake; Spiritual Life Coach, Yoga + Meditation Teacher and Founder of Earth and Water
Explore working with me to find your voice and share your message with the world.

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