Photo by Tiard Schulz on Unsplash
Energy flows where focus goes and momentum grows from there. Our morning routines are so important to how the rest of our day goes. It sets the pace for how we think, act and feel all day long.
If you start your day in a panic and rush, you’re going to carry that with you for the rest of your day. Likewise, if you start your day with peace and ease, that’s the momentum you’ll proceed to grow.
My Morning Routine
I use to sleep until at least noon everyday. Granted, I worked the night shift at a local restaurant that didn’t close until 1am but I also spent my life being known for not being a morning person. I was in my mid-late twenties before I ever saw 8am willingly. Now, it’s completely flipped and mornings are my favorite.
I wake up somewhere between 5:30am and 6:30am most days to get a head start before the kids wake up. Before I get out of bed, however, I lay there for a few moments and think about a few things. This is my morning meditation.
- What do I need to get done today?
- How do I want to feel today?
- How thankful I am for the cozy bed, safe housing, good nights sleep and all the things I have available to me.
- I then generally close it with convincing myself that I only THINK I don’t want to get up and that I’ll in fact be happy I did.
When I feel ready (or get my warrior’s mentality straight), I get up and start my morning routine with coffee. Not because I need it but because I’m a pitta and I love it. As it brews, I catch up on social media comments and messages that have accumulated while I slept and give myself a minute to be able to see and what not.
When my coffee is ready, I turn on some “spa music radio” on Pandora, turn on my diffuser, sit at my computer and get to work. This may be a blog post, social media content, coaching sessions or collaboration projects. I have a planner where I keep a running to do list for the day/week.
It’s important to me to do my work first thing in the morning. They say that what you do in the first couple of hours upon waking is what you succeed at.
My Friend’s Morning Routine
I have a friend who has a morning routine that I highly admire. I don’t know all of the details of it but I know that she does her gardening first thing in the morning while her coffee brews. She then does some yoga.
This routine helps her to stay grounded all day and gives her a chance to connect to nature and the universe as well as tune into her own body. Connecting to the elements around us and bringing our awareness into ourselves is so vastly beneficial when you’re seeking to grow and step into your highest self.
Her spiritually based morning routine is a popular way to begin the day among morning routine advocates. If you’re looking to heal or improve in a specific area of life, I highly recommend adopting something that benefits it every day, first thing.
Other Morning Routine Options
Morning routines are as unique as the individual practicing it. What you should choose depends on what feels good to you and what your goals are in life and self.
- Meditation
- Gratitude
- Herbal tea
- Music
- Essential oils
- Incense
- Prayer
- Yoga
- Writing
- Exercise
- A walk in nature
- Gardening
- Reading
- Shower
- Dry brushing
- Tongue scraping
- Cuddling
- Journaling
- Affirmations
- Dancing
- Make your bed
- Brush your teeth
- Wash your face
- Drink Water
- Light a candle
- Do some cleaning
- Take your vitamins
- Break your fast with something healthy
There are tons of options. The only rule is make it positive and feel good!
My Post Morning Routine
The above morning routine is what I do before the kids wake up. As a work from home mom, I sorta have 2. Before the kids wake and after.
When they wake up, I always make sure I spend a sufficient amount of time cuddling and loving them. This is not only beneficial to us as parents but it helps get their days off to a good start as well (something that also benefits us).
When they ask for juice, I’ll get it for them and set them up with their devices for a little bit of learning (We don’t download any apps or games that aren’t educational in some way).
I’ll then go make up the bed, open the curtains to let in some light, do any dishes that need done and start a load of laundry. This all helps me to keep track of the household, set the atmosphere of the home to “happy and bright” and gives me some much needed moving around since I’m usually stiff at this point from sitting at my desk.
Craft Your Own Morning Routine
I use to not understand the point of making your bed everyday. You were just going to mess it up again that night. What was the point? But the point is the way it FEELS.
It feels good, fresh and clean to have a freshly made bed. It sets the pace for the day to feel good as well. That’s the point.
Whatever you decide to add to your morning routine, make sure it feels good and is positive to your lifestyle. What do you want to bring into your life? Focus on things that have that vibe.
Tell us in the comments what your morning routine looks like!
Have a specific goal you’re trying to accomplish? Explore one on one coaching with me.
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S.S.Blake; Spiritual Life Coach, Yoga + Meditation Teacher and Founder of Earth and Water
Explore working with me to find your voice and share your message with the world.

I find starting my morning routine with gratitude really sets me up for the day. Although I don’t get up early like you do, maybe I will someday, but do complete most in my to-do list. Thanks for sharing this!
Gratitude is a great way to start the day!