People tell me all of the time that essential oils are just another fad that will eventually blow over. They don’t want to get invested in them, spend all of their time learning about them just for them to one day lose all validity and fall off the map.
The truth is, though, essential oils have been around since written history. They’re not a new thing at all. They’ve been found in ancient Egyptian and Chinese texts. They’re referenced in the bible. Frankincense and Myrrh were brought to the baby Jesus as gifts when he was born.
Our ancestors knew the power of plant medicine and our modern science is finally getting up to pace with this ancient knowledge and proving it’s validity.
No one would dispute the healing properties of herbs but for some reason when you take those healing properties and concentrate them into a liquid, everyone wants to either roll their eyes or fear them. They’re not to be feared, though. With just a little bit of knowledge (mostly intuitive) oils can be understood from a scientific standpoint and utilized safely.
In this video, I explain more about what essential oils are, some of their properties and a little bit of history:
Our bodies are made out of molecules. As we age, these molecules in our cells that are always dividing, begin to lose electrons, becoming free radicals. Free radicals are what cause the aging process and invite disease into our bodies. Antioxidants neutralize free radicals, slowing this physiological process.
Some plants have properties that are unmatched in the synthetic world.
Essential oils have little to no negative side effects when used properly.
Essential oils can be used safely on most people.
It takes 3 tons of melissa to make 1lb of melissa oil.

Other Articles You May Enjoy:
- 2 Reasons to Use Essential Oils for House Cleaning
- How to Use Essential Oils Topically
- The Ancient History of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy
- The 3 Ways of Using Essential Oils
- The 3 Best Essential Oils For Beginner


S.S.Blake; Spiritual Life Coach, Yoga + Meditation Teacher and Founder of Earth and Water
Explore working with me to find your voice and share your message with the world.