The 4th off July used to be my favorite holiday. Food, pools and explosives. No gifting obligations. No stress. Just show up, hang out and have fun. The very definition of what I always thought every holiday should be.
Then I became older and more aware of the world. The passed two years it’s felt tainted.
Some people don’t celebrate this holiday because it wasn’t the day that everyone in our country became free. There are so many people in this world who still aren’t free.
I don’t believe in nationalism. I believe it causes a lot of problems in the world and divides us even further. I believe we should be united in peace and freedom. We’re probably a good long way from that though.
Meanwhile, I want you to enjoy your holiday. Go to the pools and eat the food and play (safely) with the explosives. Hang out and have fun. But be mindful of all the people in our world who have been and still are deprived of freedom. Don’t take yours for granted. What will you do with it?
A Meditation for your day of freedom
Relax your gaze or close your eyes. Spine long and tall. Shoulders back. Rooted through the tail bone, connected through the crown. Sink into your seat and breathe in the cleansing air around you. Deep into the belly.
Bring your awareness to the space around you. So open and peaceful. There is only this moment. Nothing needs to be done right now. You have space to sit. Time to relax. Let all of the busy thoughts in your mind go for now. You don’t have to keep them around the clock. You’ll get to them in time. In this moment there is only now.
Relax your face. Feel the weight lift from it as you breathe. Relax your shoulders. You feel lighter.
Hold the space around you open. So thankful to have the freedom to occupy this space in peace. Thankful to exist in it with ease. Feel the gratitude and love of freedom fill your heart and spill over into the room. Watch it in your mind’s eye grow to encompass your entire home. A glowing mist of love and gratitude that balloons from your heart to reach everyone you know and love. Push it further than you thought possible to see it gently blanket the entire planet. Like a beautiful bubble.
Feel the connection to every living thing we share this space with. Extend your mist of freedom, gratitude and love to them. Intend for them to feel it as well.
If one is free, we are all free. If one is enslaved, we are all enslaved. Choose to use your freedom to benefit the whole.
- What does that mean to you?
- What will you do to take advantage of your freedom?
- Will you become a warrior for those who can not fight for themselves?
- Will you teach others?
- Bring awareness?
- Or simply live your best truth in peace and happiness to create positive ripples in the world?
What is your path? What is right for you?
Feel inspired to take steps to better yourself to better the whole. For every piece and person matters so greatly.
Carry this awareness with you. Feel the deep connection to all life and intend to always act and speak in your highest self.
Intend that peace and positivity flow from you to touch every life you come into contact with. Spilling from you, through them and touching every life they come into contact with until it touches every soul on the planet.
The energy of love, freedom and gratitude does not dilute. It only grows, drawing momentum from each life it passes through. We are all connected.
Freedom Affirmations
- I am free to love
- I am free to be me
- I am free to practice my religion
- I am free to practice my spirituality
- I am free to live
- I am free to pursue my dreams
- I am free to be happy
- I am free to learn
- I am free to speak my truth
- I am free to take advantage of my freedom!
How will you take advantage of yours?
I intend I will ___________
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S.S.Blake; Spiritual Life Coach, Yoga + Meditation Teacher and Founder of Earth and Water
Explore working with me to find your voice and share your message with the world.