I want people to be unconditionally happy all of the time. I want you to easily manifest happiness at all times. Easily and instinctively. Like second nature. It feels great, makes those around you feel great and frankly, looks great on you.
When you’re happy, your vibes are high which attracts other high vibration things. The happier you are, the faster great things will manifest in your life. Like attracts like.
So if manifesting great things is something you would like to do (which who wouldn’t want great things in their life?) your first and most important task should be to do whatever it takes to be unconditionally happy all of the time.
Over here I showed you how to get to the root of what was causing your unhappiness. If you don’t know why you’re unhappy, go check that out first. This list isn’t going to do you any good without addressing the root cause of the disturbance in your force.
1. Personal Work for Betterment
You should never stop improving upon yourself. You should look at yourself as an unfinished work of art. Or a masterpiece written with no ending.
What can you learn to add to the pages? What can you do to add chapters? Stories that would keep a non-reader flipping through the pages, frantically scanning the words, not wanting to put it down, wanting desperately to get to the end.
But the end never comes. You just keep growing, learning and adding. Never slowing.
Continuously learning something new. Discovering new ways of looking at things and achieving new heights you never thought possible. Each accomplishment you add to your badges of life is something to be proud about. Happy about.
There’s always something to add.
2. Affirmations and/or Mantras to Manifest Happiness
You don’t manifest what you want. You manifest what you believe. To manifest happiness, you must believe that you are happy.
Affirmations are little phrases we tell ourselves daily to change our beliefs. Things like:
- I am a happy person.
- I radiate happiness, light and joy.
- I only vibrate at a high frequency.
- I can have, be or do anything I want.
- I am surrounded by love and happiness.
- I act only in love and gratitude.
Your affirmations can be whatever you want them to be. Write them on your bathroom mirror. Put them on your desktop. Use them as a screen saver, your phone background. Set an alarm to go off daily to show them to you. Paint them on your cat. Sharpie them onto your shower wall. Window paint them onto your car.
Whatever you have to do to make sure you see them all of the time. So that you read them all of the time. The more you tell yourself they are true, the faster they will in fact, become truth.
3. Goal accomplishments
Accomplishing goals makes us feel great. But most of us set the goal bar so high it takes us months, years or even decades to reach them.
It’s good to have long term goals. But let’s find something to accomplish every day! Make a to-do list, break big goals down into little goals. Set up time frame goals. E.g. “Yay it’s 4 o’clock! Now I can go home!” “It’s noon Woot Woot! Now I can eat!”
Everything is an accomplishment. I went 20 minutes without sneezing! Awesome!
4. Exercise to Manifest Happiness
Real talk, this releases happy chemicals into your body. You can’t be upset with lots of happy chemicals making you happy and crap.
Plus all that good body image stuff that exercising helps with. Liking how you look in a bikini would probably help your happiness levels. And then healthy people tend to be happier. Ya know, lots of reasons to do this one.
5. Healthy Habits to Manifest Happiness
Like I said above, being healthy has a lot to do with being happy. The healthier you get, the happier you’ll be, promise.
If you have a hard time finding your happiness, make it your mission to be as healthy as you can. It’ll be magical.

6. Follow your Heart and Gut
We’ve fallen away from listening to our intuition. Instead, we’ve been taught to listen to what people teach us and do what’s “practical” (I loathe this word).
There are countless problems with this:
- What works for one does not work for all.
- Teachings can be controversial.
- Fact and opinions get construed.
- The “safe” route is no more guaranteed than the “risky” route.
- Practical is relative. (And unimaginative and lazy)
- If we only learn and do what we’re taught, the world would never grow.
But listening to your instincts will never lead you astray. If you know in your heart something is the right move for you, it is. If you feel in your gut you shouldn’t do something, don’t. It makes life simpler, easier and happier.
7. Live by your Truth
Stop playing into people’s expectations, guidelines and rules about how you’re suppose to end up. How you’re suppose to live your life. The decisions you’re supposed to make. The path’s you are suppose to take.
Do what makes you happy. Purely and truly. You only have this time right here and now. It’s the most important thing you possess. If you spend it twisting your self into knots trying to please folks you’re only going to accomplish becoming more gnarled.
Stop caring and simply live by your truth. What is truly you. In complete essence and unapologetically you and what you love and how you feel. It’s freeing.
8. Know What You Want
We’ll all tell everyone all day everyday what it is we don’t want. We’re very good at knowing what it is we don’t want. But knowing what we don’t want isn’t enough. We have to know what it is we do want.
Knowing what it is we do want will point us toward what path we need to be on. It will give us the clarity and focus we need and a sense of direction in life which means we won’t feel so lost and confused. This in turn will help us accomplish things and find happiness.
9. Accept what You Can’t Change
I always say “If you don’t like the truth, change it.” But some things you can’t change. These things you have to find ways to accept and live with. You are only harming yourself by fighting it. Be clear, though, on what you can’t change and what you aren’t willing to change. There’s a big difference and there isn’t much that’s actually out of our control.
10. Think about things Differently to Manifest Happiness
This goes with the above point on accepting things that can’t be changed.
When you come across things that upset you, look at it from all possible angles. Why does it upset you? Why are those aspects upsetting? Really keep asking this until you’ve completely dissected it and are at the root of it all.
Then look at it from others points of views. How do others feel about it? Why do they feel like that about it? Pull it apart in your head until there are no other possible ways in this universe you can think to look at it. And then go ask other people for their opinions.
Us professional mentors are really good at helping with this if you need someone to bounce thoughts off of, message me.
11. Help Yourself
I get it, you wanna be modest. I had a problem with that for a long long time also. And then we get all hot and bothered when we’re not appreciated or recognized. I have a super simple solution for that.
Take on the persona that you’re awesome and everything you do is awesome. Compliment yourself out loud often. Don’t be arrogant about it, but rather matter-of-factly.
Don’t wait for others to praise you or notice your awesome work. They’re too busy waiting for someone to do the same for them. Take others out of the equation. Congratulate yourself.
Likewise, don’t sit around waiting for others to give what you need. Go out and find it yourself. This takes all of the uncertainty out of it and puts your life into your own hands and in turn, allows you to manifest what you want and need.

12. Trust the Process
Everything takes time. We get impatient waiting for things to manifest and grow. This leads to feelings of despair, panic, disappointment and leads us to want to give up on whatever it is that we’re trying to accomplish.
You can’t go instantly from one extreme to an opposite extreme. For example you can’t go from depressing despair instantly to blissfully happy. You have to take step by step to get there. It’s not about perfection, it’s about progress.
Trust that as long as you are taking steps, you’ll get there. In time.
13. Start Small to Manifest Happiness
I cannot stress to you enough how we’re not aiming for perfection. Perfection is an unreachable thing to aim for. We are all works in progress and progress is all we can ever hope for.
Big changes come from lots of little changes stacked on top of one another.
14. Be Generous to Manifest Happiness in both yourself + others
When you make other people happy, you make yourself happy. Making one person at a time happy can be life changing for that one person and can make a world of difference. Little by little this is how we change the world.
If you inspire one person to turn around and do something nice themselves, you’ve just created a chain reaction of epic proportions. You matter. Being generous shows you how much you matter.
15. Stop Chasing Fame, Money and Success to Manifest Happiness
These things don’t matter. Your impact on others and your world matters. How you feel matters. Your health and those around you matters.
Focus on the things that matter and stop letting the things that don’t control your life. (The funny thing is, a lot of the time when you focus on what really matters, those other things will find you, in some form or another.)
16. Challenge Yourself
When we get bored, we get unhappy. Continuously challenging ourselves shows us what we are truly made of. We are magnificent creatures with unlimited capabilities. It’s just a matter of choosing to push yourself past what is boring and easy.
When you learn new things and push yourself past what you can already do, you learn more about yourself, which brings you closer to yourself and source energy. This will do amazing things with your happiness.
17. Smile to Manifest Happiness
Literally. All of the time. Do it now. Smile for as long as you can hold it. It’s impossible to be upset or angry whilst smiling.
18. Tell the Truth
It makes for a simpler life. Taking all of the complexity out of situations and creating a life of ease. It weeds out all of the bad and replaces it with things that please you.
Likewise, stop saying you’d like to hang out when you wouldn’t. Stop making excuses to why you can’t do something. Just say “I’d rather not” or “I appreciate it but I’m good”. You don’t have to make excuses. You’ll feel better for it.
19. Be Thankful
When we don’t practice gratitude, we tend to think our lives suck. When you sit down and really notice all of the things you are thankful for, it really puts things into perspective.
So right now make a list in your head of things you are thankful for. (I’ll give you a hint. It’s everything)
- Thank you air, I love breathing.
- Thank you earth for giving me somewhere to stand and your awesome gravity that keeps me from floating away into nothingness.
- Thank you chapstick for helping my lips to not hurt.
- Thank you internet for allowing me to read this amazing article.
Think about these things daily. Don’t be ungrateful.
20. Train your Mind
Everything’s a mindset. You can decide what you want to believe and manipulate your mindset into believing any reality you wish and in turn, creating said reality.
If you want to be happy, you need only to convince yourself that you are.
21. Let Go in order to Manifest Happiness
The past and the people in it were only there to teach us a lesson of some sort. Learn the lesson and let them go. Be thankful for the chance to learn and the experience and move on from it. Holding on will only hold you back.
22. Avoid Negativity
Negative people and situations will only drag you deeper down into the hole of low vibrations. I’m not saying drop all of the negative people in your life, but maybe minimizing contact and re-evaluating situations. You need things and people that benefit you. Negative people stuck in their low vibrations will only hold you there beside them.
Here’s a tip: You can only help those that A: Want to be helped and B: Are willing to help themselves. Everyone else is a waste of your time.
23. Avoid Negative Media
I saw something one time that said something along the lines of, ” 3 minutes of negative media in the morning can effect your day for up to 6 hours later.
That’s a lot of time for your happiness and emotional quality to be effected by something that you have no control over.
So just bypass it entirely and ditch the news channels or the social feeds that are anything other than purely happy and positive. Trust me. Do it for yourself.
24. Slow Down to Manifest Happiness
Take time to slow down and breathe. Meditate, relax, clear the space in your mind and your life.
When we give ourselves time to relax, we open up our abilities to be creative and prioritize. Both very essential components to our overall well being and success.
25. Speed Up to Manifest Happiness
Giving yourself ample time to rest and take breaks is crucial. But we shouldn’t laze around and waste time unproductively. In between your very important rest stops, you should be filling your time with growing yourself and your life. Fill your schedule with things everyday that are going to grow your abilities, polish your mind and build up your life to be exactly what you want it to be.
Continuous action + appropriate relaxation = the fastest path to manifesting happiness.

26. Accept Others
We all have beliefs in our heads that say people should be this way or that. These beliefs we carry around get in our way and frustrate us when we come across someone who’s path seems incorrect or inappropriate to us.
Learning to accept others as they are, here and now, and trusting that their path is correct for them or that they will find their correct path when they are suppose to will help you tremendously.
Everyone is on their own journey and can only see what they are ready to see. You can not steer them in the correct direction unless they are ready to travel in that direction. Set the intention to help, but don’t become attached to the outcome. Don’t forget to walk your own path and allow them to walk theirs.
27. Talk about your Feelings
Holding things in leaves them to swirl and grow until they consume.
If all of the room is taken up by negative emotions, you can’t expect to manifest happiness at all. Emotions were meant to be felt. Acknowledge them, feel them, express them and then allow them to flow outward and be released.
28. Know your worth
You are a magnificent being. You are limitless in all that you are capable of. The only thing holding you back is your beliefs that it is so.
Once you know how magnificent and powerful you truly are, once you believe it with every cell of your being, not only will you be unstoppable in manifesting happiness, but you’ll be able to create anything and everything you wish for in this life.
29. Take Action
We tend to want to sit around and dream and talk about the things we would like to have, be or do. We dream of having, being or doing these things but then leave it at that. We accept them as unachievable or wish someone would bring them to us. We play the lottery or wish for a rich relative we don’t know exists to magically leave us a fortune. Stop daydreaming and instead formulate a plan. Take all of the chance and guess work out of it. Go out there and create this ideal life you want for yourself.
30. Go Outside
We are most at home and at peace when we are in nature. It is where we were meant to be.
Make a point to go out everyday and breathe in the clarity of the universe. Breathe in the energy of the Earth and all of the life it holds. Soak up what the rays of the sun have to offer. Every damn day. Just do it.
31. Get Good Sleep
I understand the allure of wanting to stay up late. Trust me, for the first 23 years of my life my average bedtime was 4am. But getting adequate sleep is how you recharge and are able to balance yourself inside and out.
You don’t run your electronics until they die and then only charge them up 25%. You (hopefully) take care of your things better than that. Take care of yourself in the same matter as you would take care of your most prized possession.
Because you are your most prized possession.
32. Meditate to Manifest Happiness
Taking the time (preferably upon waking) to lay out your intentions for the day will do amazing things for your emotional stability.
When you wake up take some deep, conscience breathes. Set the intention to be happy, joyful and at ease today. Imagine your perfect day in every detail possible. Map out everything that you wish to accomplish on this beautiful day.
33. Sing and Dance
I’m pretty sure it’s impossible to be in a bad place when you’re jamming to your favorite music and letting the rhythm rock your body. Plus there’s the whole exercise aspect to it.
34. Try Something New
You need inspiration. You need to feel alive. You need to be amazed and dazzled by the world and the life it holds.
You don’t get this unless you break out of your routine every now and again.
Go out and try new things. Learn something new. Meet new people from different backgrounds and cultures. Talk to them. See how others experience the world. Who knows what you might learn.
35. Write it Down
I am a huge advocate of writing things down. Keep journals of everything! Your thoughts, your dreams, ambitions, feelings, everything that crosses your mind. It’s freeing. It’s a creative act and you need to create. It’s in your nature.
It doesn’t matter if you’re “not good at it”. It’s for your own benefit and no one else’s. You never have to show anyone to get the benefits of doing it.
36. Be a good Friend
We need people. We’re social creatures. Also, you get what you put in. Most of the time. If you put all that you’ve got into the wrong people, it may be conflicting.
But putting your all into the right people can have wonderful effects on your relationships, your life and manifesting happiness for yourself and those around you!
37. Make others Happy
Making others happy makes you happy. It makes you feel like you matter (which you do). It creates a connection between yourself and others (or strengthens the connection that is already there).
Since we are all connected, making someone else happy makes you happy. So go out and help people. Call a relative and ask if they need help doing anything. Donate some time, things or money. Do something that makes someone else feel good. It feels good.
38. Take care of yourself
I could go on for days about this, but I’ll try to keep it brief.
How can you expect to be happy if you don’t feel great and have tons of energy?
Everything we do requires energy. Everything from the obvious stuff like exercising or cleaning our house all the way to the not so thought about things like breathing, digesting food and even thinking. Absolutely everything either takes energy or gives it to us.
We get our energy from taking care of ourselves. Eating properly, sleeping adequately, moving around appropriately. All of these things give us the energy we require to live.
When you don’t do one of these things properly, for example, when you don’t eat correctly, you’re not filling up your energy bar all of the way.
It’s like charging your phone to only 40%! You wouldn’t do that unless you absolutely positively had no other choice. Why would you treat your body worse than you treat your electronical devices? Self Care. It’s important.
39. Use Color Therapy
Bright happy colors like yellows and oranges lift your mood. You can surround yourself with these uplifting colors by:
- Wearing said colors.
- Painting a room said color(s).
- Riding in a vehicle of said color(s)
- Burning candles of said color(s)
- Decorating with said color(s)
- Coloring with said color(s)
- Whatever way you would like to interact with said color(s)
40. Manage Stress
Stress is your flight or fight response to the world. When it is triggered, your body releases hormones that help you survive.
These hormones in large, continuous doses are not healthy at all. One cannot be happy when one is continuously stressed out.
I wrote a whole thing on it here with lots of ways of reducing and managing your stress.
Make it important.
41. Be Optimistic to Manifest Happiness
Like attracts like. It’s the Law of Attraction. If you are negative all of the time and are convinced everything is horrible and your life sucks, the universe will throw more things at you that look that way. Hence, proving you correct and making things worse.
If you only see the good in things and are convinced life is wonderful (or at least make a full on effort to tell yourself this), then the universe will throw more things like this at you.
The more positive you are the more positive things you will attract. Promise.
42. Meaningful Conversations
When you only have those same old conversations day in and day out, of course you’re going to get depressed. When you only get to talk about the weather, the news, what he said and she said, about who’s doing what or who, the same old mindless things that have no meaning behind them, no thoughts, it’s easy to lose yourself.
When these are the only conversations you have, how could you ever feel like there is a meaning at all to life? How could you ever see that there is a point to it all or a higher place to get to?
These sorts of conversations only serve to keep you where you are or bring you down farther.
Go out and find you someone that knows how to put thought into their conversations. Someone who is going to inspire you or make you think. Someone who shows you a new way of looking at things.
I’m good at conversations like this. Here’s some great conversation starters.
43. Get things done to Manifest Happiness
Be productive. Make a list of things that need to be done or that you would like to do or that would make something better.
Rate these things on this list from easiest to hardest. Start with the easiest (I like to start with the hardest) and do these things.
It will feel amazing to cross them off of your list one by one.
44. Complain the right way
Mindless complaining for the sake of complaining is called whining. Complaining in a constructive way helps you find a solution to that which you are complaining about.
Finding a solution to a problem you are having is an easy way to manifest happiness.
Don’t be a whiner. Search for solutions to that which you wish to whine about.
45. Save Money
Having a nice soft cushion in the bank for you to lean against if anything comes up will make you feel safer, more at ease and lower your stress.
This in turn will make you happier.
46. Spend Money
Don’t deny yourself the things you really really want. (Deny yourself EVERYTHING you want haha) I have a rule of thumb (that may or may not be extreme, I dunno). If I see something I want, I wait 3 months. If I’m still thinking about it all of the time, I’ll by it. If not, I saved myself wasting money.
47. Connect with your inner Child
Children naturally know how to be blissfully happy. It’s our natural state. So it’s not a matter of not knowing how to manifest happiness in your life, but a matter of you have forgotten.
Getting in touch with your inner child will help you to remember. Color, play, do things that you loved as a child or find something childlike to do. Being an adult doesn’t mean being stiff and serious all of the time. Loosen up and find your goofiness.
48. Ditch the chemicals
Our whole world is toxic now a days. These chemicals seep into your body and mess with your hormones. This can throw you off balance with your emotions and make it hard to function properly. Evaluate the ingredients in your food and self care products. Opt for all natural, no preservatives, organic.
49. Feng Shui to Manifest Happiness
I love Feng Shui. If you’re unfamiliar, it’s a science of the universe and energy flow (in a nutshell). It’s hard to briefly explain but there are feng shui techniques for everything. Happiness included.
50. Tend to the Air
Cleaning the air in your home or office space will help with your mood. It’s hard to manifest happiness when you’re stuck in a stuffy, stale space.
Open up some windows or bring in some plants. Humidifiers, salt lamps, anything that’s going to clean your indoor air for you and make it easier to breathe.
51. Essential Oils
Aromatherapy is an amazing thing. Certain scents trigger certain things in your brain and some like citrus or flowers can trigger your body into producing happiness chemicals.
Best Vibes Always,
Read on how to build your self esteem
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S.S.Blake; Spiritual Life Coach, Yoga + Meditation Teacher and Founder of Earth and Water
Explore working with me to find your voice and share your message with the world.

I LOVE all of these. I have a hard time with 27 and 38 – clearly , because I still need to set up time with you!!!!
Everything and everyone is a work in progress Christine! If you’re only having trouble with 2 of them then you’re doing a lot better than you think! Keep up the great work. I’ll always be here when you’re ready. If there’s anything I can do to help you please let me know!