By now, most of us are familiar with the law of attraction. What many of us don’t realize, however, is that it’s only one of the 12 laws of the universe. It has 11 sister laws that are equally as important and fascinating to study.
The law of attraction has caught a lot of animosity lately. As with anything that gains popularity, there’s going to be misunderstanding, misuse and exploitation. There’s a whole ton of people talking about it right now that don’t actually understand it and half of those people are trying to teach it.
Frustration and mistrust is valid. Perhaps studying her sister laws can help us bring some clarity and direction to this concept. Afterall, we can’t put the whole puzzle together with only one piece.
The Law of Oneness
The first of the 12 universal laws is the idea that we are all one. Separation is only an illusion. What I do unto you, I do unto myself.
It’s the whole “treat others the way you’d like to be treated” thing. Through helping, healing and lifting up others, we create positive momentum for us all, collectively.
You are another version of me, and I of you. Through healing myself, I help heal others. Through helping others I am also helping myself.
The Law of Vibration
The second law states that everything in the universe, physical and nonphysical, tangible and intangible, is vibrating at a specific frequency. It’s all made of energy and this energy is always moving, always vibrating.
We, as humans, have the ability to travel along the different vibrational frequencies using our emotions. Although simple, for most of us it’s not at all easy to control this but we can look at our emotional guidance scale for help and reference.
The Law of Correspondence
This universal law states that everything is a reflection of itself. It’s the “As above, so below” law. Also translated as “The above is the below”.
It tells us that our outside world is a direct reflection of our inside world. For example, the spaces we spend the most time in are a mirror to what we are experiencing within ourselves; emotionally, mentally and physically.
Likewise, on a larger scale, the macrocosm reflects the microcosm. Atoms look like solar systems and society is as healthy as the individual within it.
Law of Attraction
And here’s the star of the show. The law that says you can attract that which you desire. However, just like a kick isn’t just a kick in taekwondo, there’s a process to wielding this law that comes easier to some rather than others.
As a simple rule of thumb, seek to live compassionately, heart centered, generously, graciously and humble. It’ll get you there.
Afterall, each move in martial arts requires a handful or more of precise mechanisms to be done properly. Just keep practicing and refining your form with patience and persistence.

Law of Inspired Action
The fifth universal law tell us to remain open to the subtle steering of the universe and our intuition. When we need to act, urges will be sent to us. It’s important that we listen and follow these. They’re guiding us towards our manifestations.
The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy
Energy is always, always, always being transferred. From person to person, from object to people, from people to things, between animals, by water, earth, air and fire. This flow is continuous and never ceasing.
Remember, energy can not be created nor destroyed. So it’s important to learn how to allow it to flow through and from you smoothly.
We are capable, as energy wielders, of blocking this flow. The result is energy blocks that cause stagnation and in turn, illness. It’s covered more here.
Law of Cause and Effect
For every action, there is an equal reaction. Regardless to whether the reaction is observed by it’s kick off point. You may not see the reaction and it may be delayed but it will come to pass. It’s essentially “the butterfly effect”.
Law of Compensation
This universal law teaches us that you reap what you sow. Similar to what has become known as karma (I say similar because the ancient teachings of karma are a bit different than what we’ve turned it into).
Keep putting good out into the world and you will be rewarded. Keep doing the work and you will be paid for it. Do remember that money is only 1 of many forms of compensation the universe deals in.
Law of Relativity
The law of relativity is one that Einstein himself made famous. It states that reality as we know it is relative to the person experiencing it.
No 2 of us share the same reality. Although there may be mostly overlapping themes, life for you is as you see it. This is wonderful, though, because it also means you somewhat get to choose your reality.
You get to choose what to believe, which in turn shapes your reality. We get to choose how much power we give to certain situations, circumstances, thoughts and all, which also helps us to form it into what we like.
Keep this law in mind when interacting with others. We can’t begin to understand their reality, so listening with objectivity is of the utmost importance.
Law of Polarity
This could just as easily be called the law of opposites. It’s the principle of yin and yang. For everything in existence, there is an opposite counterpart. This contrast of opposing forces is what creates our tangible existence.
We cannot know light without knowing darkness. Without hate there could be no love. To heal, manifest and operate in this world in a purely healthy manner, we must acknowledge and respect both sides.
Law of Rhythm
The eleventh law of the universe states that everything has a “rhythm”. We can see it in the cyclical patterns of all things. The changing of the seasons, the lifespan of every living thing, the phases of the moon, we could go on to point out cycles or “rhythms” in all things.
Understanding this law means to understand that the only constant in life is change. Becoming attached to anything causes problems because it’s a failed perception of reality. Nothing is permanent. Everything will inevitably move onto the next part of it’s cycle, more or less closing one chapter behind them in order to do so.

Law of Gender
The law of gender could lend a hefty insight into the debate of gender we’re seeing in society these days. I’m not trying to pick sides, simply presenting information that has been passed down for thousands of years.
It states that all things hold both feminine and masculine energy. To understand this, we have to let go of the purely human (and therefore limited understanding) of masculine and feminine energies and instead look at it from a more neutral, yin and yang stand point.
Both are equal and balanced. With yin residing within yang and yang within yin. Energy in and of itself is fluid. Always moving and flowing. Which means the amount of which within a person or thing can and will fluctuate. We must honor this natural process instead of resist it.
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S.S.Blake; Spiritual Life Coach, Yoga + Meditation Teacher and Founder of Earth and Water
Explore working with me to find your voice and share your message with the world.