The Art of Allowance
The only thing truly standing in the way of us having, doing and being everything that we desire is ourselves. It’s important to know and fully understand that. We’re all denying ourselves something.
Often, things that could propel our success or progress if we would only allow it into our lives. Seemingly minor things in some cases, grand things in others.
We fail to live in the bigger picture. Grand things are not accomplished by grand gestures but are pieced together by small everyday things and choices, adding up to create something enormous in the end.
To accomplish all that we desire to do, have and be we must know what OUR bigger picture is. Focus on IT and what can get us to IT. Allow other battles to fall to other people who have claimed those battles as their own.
To create our ideal selves and lives, we must learn to allow ourselves to have, do & be things that may seem or feel, less than ideal. Such is the nature of life. We aren’t meant to be perfect because we can’t do ALL of the things.
We can only do lots of the things per lifetime. In only one lifetime, all we can hope for is to make progress and do our best.
Even though I fully understand this concept, I still struggle with denying myself things.
I deny myself soda water because it comes in plastic bottles. Fight internal battles between organic food and zero waste, vegan and gluten free, a healthy child and a happy family.
I can’t do it all. It’s a constant choice between denying something & allowing another. Life is a battle. We have to choose which ones help us win OUR war and leave the others to be fought by those who are better prepared for such terrains.
Denience of Abundance
The most common form of denying ourselves things is that of abundance. We deny ourselves time in the morning to meditate or eat breakfast. We deny ourselves a new outfit, rug or bedding because of this reason or that.
Skipping the long luxurious bath at night for a quick, nothing special, every day type of shower instead. This is all sending the universe vibrations of lack. Because, afterall, we’re denying ourselves these things because of time, money, sustainability or self deservance.
We think we’re being strong, kind or caring. Putting others before ourselves, saving the Earth, cutting back on our carbon footprint, I mean, after all, doesn’t it make me all zen and saintlike to sacrifice worldly desires and deny myself luxuries? Isn’t it selfish for me to want to want all of these things?
No, Love, it only brings down your vibes and sends the wrong messages to the universe. It’s anti-manifesting.
When you deny yourself things, you’re coming from a place of lack. Since like attracts like, this is only going to bring about more lack. . If you want to live an abundant life, you have to come from a place of abundance.
You have to trust that the universe will provide for you. Your mantra must be things like, “There’s always more where that came from.” or “There’s plenty to go around for everyone!” or even, “It’s ok to leave that battle to someone else.”
When you deny yourself things (even self care), you’re telling the universe is that you aren’t ready for more. If you deny it to yourself, why would the universe bring it to you?
The Mindset of Abundance
To invite more into your life, you have to figure out how to stop denying yourself things. This means taking your old, false & limiting beliefs, shredding them up, throwing them out and adopting new, fresh, abundant and self serving beliefs!
Allowing yourself to take better care of yourself is going to help you to feel better, which means taking care of others and the world better, easier and more effortlessly.
Allowing yourself to buy something new every now and again is going to raise your vibrations, invite more abundance into your life and set the standards for what you want the universe to bring you.
Investing in yourself is going to show the universe that you’re serious about what you want and ready for it to come into being.
To Manifest Abundance, Give Yourself Permission to:
- Put yourself first
- Take a break
- Rest
- Do less
- Do more
- Leave
- Stay
- Forgive
- Move on
- Do what you want
- Be who you want
- Chase your dreams
- Live simply
- Live luxuriously
- Be rich
- Change
- Stay the same
- Be different
- Love
- Be kind
- Do what’s right
- Go for it
- Be brave
- Be strong
- Be a warrior
- Be a hero
- Share your story
- Share your knowledge
- Share your opinion
- Take up that hobby
- Make money from something you love
- Protect your energy
- Let go of toxic people
- Let go of the past
- Be your own person
- Be free
- Change your mind
- Make your own decisions
- Change jobs/careers
- Go back to school
- Learn that thing
- Do that thing
- Go
- Embrace yourself
- Love yourself
- Stand up for yourself
- Say no
- Not explain yourself
- Go to the spa
- Get your nails/toes/ hair done
- Splurge
- Save
- Make it special
- Make it important
- Celebrate
- Do what makes you happy
- Buy the thing
- Invest in yourself
- Think outside the box
- Be creative
- Help others
- Stand for a cause
- Go vegan
- Eat meat
- Live waste free
- Throw something in the trash
- Meditate
- Take your time
- Do nothing
- Stay up late
- Sleep in
- Be crazy
- Act silly
- Be yourself
- Sing
- Dance
- Cry
- Talk about it
- Express your feelings
- Say yes
- Be happy
- Block them
- Do what’s best for you
- Outgrow people
- Explore yourself
- Be magical
- Live magically
- Relax
- Do what you need to do
- Do what doesn’t make sense to others
- Dream big
- Be impractical
- Invent a new way
- Blur the lines
- Create your own method
- Trust yourself
- Trust the universe
- Trust the process
- Manifest your desires
- Believe you deserve it
Set Some Intentions for Abundance!
- I intend that I no longer deny myself that which will help me in my battles.
- I intend that I no longer stress over the fact that I cannot be perfect.
- I intend that I am doing my best in everything I desire to do and that my mindfulness is enough.
- I intend that I trust in myself, the universe & the process and believe that I am enough.
What are your intentions? What do you need to release? Allow? Stop denying? I’d love for you to tell me in the comments.
Best Vibes Always, S.S.Blake
Message me and we’ll discuss any blocks that may be holding you back! And make sure you join the Facebook group for daily mindset work!
Other Articles You May Enjoy:
- How to Practice Grounding Your Energy to Reduce Anxiety & Find Balance
- How to Tune Your Energy, Frequency & Vibrations to Manifest Abundance
- How to Conquer Addictions & Heal Beliefs in Order to Manifest Fulfillment & Purpose
- Nurturing the Self: A Guide to Personal Growth and Inner Peace
- How to Overcome Fear & Step into Your Unfiltered Power to Gain Confidence & Manifest Your Dreams


S.S.Blake; Spiritual Life Coach, Yoga + Meditation Teacher and Founder of Earth and Water
Explore working with me to find your voice and share your message with the world.

I really liked this. I needed this right now. Thank you
It makes me so happy to hear that! You deserve it all!